Become a catalyst of good work and unite with others committed to making our organisations a little better!

the Hunt for good organisations

Welcome to a global expedition to unearth the world's Good Organizations! As part of the journey, we'll dive deep into the nature of responsible business, learn about unique approaches to meaningful work, and uncover new insights to personal development and leadership.

What will be your challenge? In a small team you will embark on a series of sprints to identify one of these exceptional organizations, connect with their key stakeholders, conduct in-depth interviews, and finally, craft a compelling case study that showcase the essence of Good Organizations. All case studies will be hosted on our global website!

We hope this adventure will not only be an opportunity for you to discover the companies that genuinely prioritize well-being, community, and human flourishing over profits, but also to spend some time reexamining your own role in business and the impact you are planning to have.

Ready for departure? Let's together reshape the future of work!

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Course Updates

✿ Hurrah! The next Hunting party is officially departed on 19th March 2024! Welcome to Pilot #2!

By: Otti / Posted: Mar 19, 2024

Website Updates

✿ VALIDATION STAGE and is now live! Further stage pages will go live every week!

✿ DIFFERENTIATION STAGE and is now live! Further stage pages will go live every week!


✿ Official Hunt page: your case studies will be  here

By: Otti / Posted: Mar 18, 2024

Community news

✿ Please register your participation for the online part of the course now & upload your picture and bio for the course facebook! Link below!

✿ Please shout in case you have any questions, comments or feedback!

By: Silvio / Posted: <ar 18, 2024

Next Global Hunting Team Is Now Departed: Welcome Duke Pioneers 2024!



A global initiative for students interested in responsible business

The "Hunt for Good Organizations" is a groundbreaking initiative sponsored by Duke University, US, and the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. It is an innovative MBA challenge is designed to explore and expand the evolving theory and practice of Good Organizations.

What's It All About?
This unique course promises a transformative journey, empowering students to redefine their perception of organizations and leadership, and examine their own role in shaping a better world. Over the course, student teams will embark on a quest to identify and interview exemplary companies that are transforming their business and operating models in the spirit of goodness. Their mission: to uncover what sets these organizations apart and create insightful case studies that capture "the difference that really makes the difference". Through the elaboration of these case studies, we aim to empower our students to make more informed choices and actions in their own future careers.

Why Is This Important?
The "Hunt for Good Organizations" is more than an academic pursuit; it's a movement. We are dedicated to identifying and celebrating organizations that are actively contributing to a positive societal and environmental impact. Our students will delve deep into these organizations, uncovering and promoting the remarkable ways in which they enable the greater good. But we're not stopping there. Our plan is to share these case studies and best practices with a global audience to stimulate collective learning. Furthermore, we aim to develop robust measurement instruments that can objectively recognize and evaluate good organizations worldwide, facilitating qualification and continuous improvement against the highest ethical standards.

Making a Global Impact
In a world grappling with pressing issues like climate change, inequality, and social injustice, the role of organizations and leadership has never been more crucial. Therefore, our mid-term objectives are ambitious. We aspire to establish an alternative economic narrative that champions an economy for the greater good, with "Good Organizations" leading the way. We believe that by acknowledging and promoting organizations that are actively embodying positive change, we will not inspire others to follow but also set new benchmarks for businesses as forces for good, driving a systemic shift in leadership and business education. By engaging with this initiative, future employees and investors can make informed choices, supporting organizations that align with their values and avoiding those that fall short. Simultaneously, we want to attract a wider academic and public audience to our change initiative, generating vibrant interest and potential future collaboration.

 Join us on this journey to redefine business, leadership, and their role in making the world a better place! 

5 min Introduction (Tony O'Driscoll)

the learning journey

Journey Objectives

Over the past decades, the world has been grappling with a series of global discontinuities, requiring nations, organizations, and individuals to make often abrupt and radical departures from the status quo:

  • Nations had to redefine their institutional policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, global conflicts, and disrupted supply chains.
  • Enterprises had to unleash breakthrough innovations at warp speed, rebuild and reconfigure global supply chains in near-real time, and tightly manage costs as demand patterns shifted in unpredictable ways.
  • Employees had to learn how to work, learn and live within the tight confines of their homes, adapt to the steady increases of AI and robotics, and sometimes were directly impacted by the collapse of political and economic systems and the ravages of conflict.
At the same time, the limitations of our neoliberal economic model are becoming more and more evident:

  • Economic Inequality: Capitalism tends to concentrate wealth in the hands of a small percentage of the population, leaving a large portion of the workforce with stagnant wages and limited opportunities for economic advancement.
  • Financial Instability: The speculative nature of financial markets and the pursuit of short-term profits at the expense of long-term stability are causing recurring financial crises that cause suffering for large swathes of the population.
  • Environmental Degradation: Capitalism's focus on endless growth and profit leads to overexploitation of natural resources and ecological unsustainability.
  • Job Insecurity: The ruthless pursuit of efficiency and cost-cutting measures can result in job loss, temporary employment, and a lack of social safety nets. Moreover, technological progress and exploitative economic models can further exacerbate job insecurity for many workers.
  • Decline in Public Goods: Increasing commoditisation, instrumentalisation and competitive individualism can undermine the provision of public goods such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Private sector interests can lead to underinvestment in these essential services.
  • Erosion of Democracy: The influence of powerful corporations and wealthy individuals on politics and policymaking can undermine democratic processes, exerting disproportionate control over government decisions.
  • Loss of Meaningful Work: The profit motive of shareholder-centric businesses can lead to a continual devaluation of meaningful work, with workers increasingly alienated from their jobs and lacking a sense of purpose.
  • Globalization: Ruthless globalization, as driven by capitalist economic systems, can exacerbate income inequality both within and between nations.

In short, the world of business is facing both intensifying rates of change and compounding degrees of complexity, and they need to answer fundamental ethical questions about what it means to be both effective and responsible, both results-oriented and human-centric. Agility or resilience cannot be enough, and neither can we simply continue as before. We have entered an unprecedented period of discontinuity and existential anxiety which also represents an opportunity to reimagine the transformative role that organizations can and must play in becoming a force for good in the world. The time has come for a fundamentally novel paradigm: Good Organisations.

Our aspiration with the “Hunt for Good” Case Competition is to identify those organizations that have successfully evolved to the next level on their transformation journey. In this context, we believe that successful transformation is achieved when the organization evolves to a higher level, not only resulting in outcomes that are superior for the organization, its stakeholders, and for society at large, but becoming closer to being the very best version of what they can possibly be. In a nutshell, Good Organisations "produce" good people. They embrace the essence of humanity in their daily attempt to make both internal and external communities flourish. Yes, these organisations make money, but they are not there just to grow the money. The money is there to grow them. In short, these are organizations would respond to Paul Polman’s provocative question “Is the world better off because your organization is in it?” with a resounding YES!

Hence, the course's specific objective is to discover organizations that can serve as “beacons of light” to illuminate a path towards a brighter shared future. For these exemplars we want to understand - beyond simplistic frameworks, models and checklists - what is the “difference that makes a difference” in making these organizations shine. How is their transformational spirit, or essence, activated? How is it institutionalised so that it compels and propels these organizations to “light the way”? Of course, in the shortness of the initiative we can only achieve so much. Therefore, each case competition team will be tasked to develop a Case Study Report and a Pitch Presentation that can pass their learnings on to the next cohort, who we continue to develop and build our insights and understanding. 

The Journey Map

Welcome to the "treasure hunt" for good organisations!

After having familiarised yourselves with the "Good Organisation" manifesto, let's embark on a transformative learning journey, combining best practice in transformation management with critical insights from philosophy, psychology, sociology and management science. our goal is to explore how to inspire, identify and implement good work, and how to become good leaders ourselves.

getting readY: the meta crisIs

We start by framing the context, going beyond the familiar challenges of technological disruption and rapid market changes to explore the meta crisis inherent in our contemporary economic system. Delving into the history and evolution of capitalism, we seek to uncover their root causes and cultivate an awareness of the imperative for change. Through this process, we gain an understanding of the interconnectedness across all levels involved in this transformative journey, and develop a sense of compassion and responsibility to drive positive change.

identification: the csr experiment

In the second stage, we delve into the critical question whether the economy and business should inherently prioritize the betterment of society. We grapple with the complexity of balancing profit motives with broader societal purposes and challenge ourselves to envision the potential social value organizations could contribute to the world. We decide to see for ourselves and kickstart our practical investigation: drawing on frameworks from the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) movement, we establish criteria to evaluate potential candidates and identify three Candidate Good Organizations (CGO) through through desktop research. Simultaneously, we question the efficacy of CSR initiatives in fulfilling their promises.

validatioN: TOWARD good organisations

As we confront the shortcomings of CSR, we explore the deeper ontological and ethical foundations of what makes organizations truly good. We examine how different  ideologies inform our notions of justice and goodness, and how they manifest within businesses. Delving beneath the surface, we uncover the complex mechanisms that shape organizational character. Exploring innovative organizational designs such as rendanheyi and humanocracy, we critically assess their potential to cultivate responsibility. We introduce the concept of the "good organization" — a paradigm that integrates virtue ethics and the pursuit of flourishing with traditional goals of business efficiency and agility, moving beyond superficial measures like codes of conduct, annual reporting and compliance rules. We understand how principles of virtue and practical wisdom are operationalised in values, structures, and interpersonal dynamics. Ultimately, we aim to identify one CGO that exemplifies genuine commitment to business excellence for good.

differentiation: the spirit of leadership

In this final stage, we delve into the essence of business transformation and leadership, grappling with the complexity of moral development. We confront the challenges of widespread "immunity to change" and functional stupidity and explore possible interventions to cultivate an organisation's "moral climate". We investigate the nature, development pathways and transformative agency of ethical leadership, beyond conventional leadership theories. Through immersive interviews with key stakeholders of our chosen CGO, we eventually seek to uncover the distinctive qualities that have enabled them to create lasting positive change. Our aim is to identify the source and spirit of their transformation, emphasizing the indispensable role of wise leadership as a catalyst for nurturing and sustaining ethical organizational change.

the pitch: taking a stand for good

As the pinnacle of your adventure, you will craft a compelling case study showcasing your chosen business as a shining example of positive transformation toward good organizations. You should articulate your selection process, including identification, validation and differentiation strategies, offering insights gleaned from your journey. Going further, you will then address a panel of executive stakeholders from your selected organization, to advocate for further transformative initiatives to amplify their positive impact. This presents a unique opportunity to champion ethical leadership and hone your persuasion skills in front of a tough business audience, embodying your personal commitment to fostering meaningful change!

reflection: becoming a leader

Following the pitching competition, we encourage you to embark on a final journey of personal reflection to internalize your newfound wisdom and contemplate how you can shape your own leadership trajectory. How might you navigate your career path or cultivate your own organization into a beacon of positive change? Engage in a concluding dialogue with your teammates, leveraging collective insights to forge your path forward. As we draw the pilot to a close, we invite you to offer suggestions for refining our selection criteria and assessment metrics for identifying good organizations, and to provide any feedback to facilitate the experience of the next crew of good organisation hunters!



Before embarking on the journey, please read the Good Organisations (draft) manifesto to familiarise yourself with the concept.

the good organISations manifesto (Click on the icon for pdf)

In this article we argue that a more fundamental change in how we think about work and how we design organisations is necessary. We build on neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics and suggest that a shift towards “eudaimocracy” might help to craft organisations that foster “organisational aliveness” and contribute positively to society. Drawing upon moral philosophy, sociology, complexity science and positive psychology we start to develop a set of principles and practices that could pragmatically bridge business ethics and management. In this context, we especially highlight the need to revise institutional governance, establish virtuous communities and develop practical wisdom and agency across the organisation. Using the concrete example of traditional HR processes, we examine how a novel approach could help to foster individual and collective flourishing and more radically address some of the shortfall of previous approaches.

course facebook, organisation and contacts

Your Course facebook

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Akriti Johar

Duke University

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Shubham Nagulwar

I am Shubham a Master's in Engineering Management grad at Duke with 5 yrs of experience in New Product Introductions and Operations Excellence. Consulting vendors I was managing on their business performance improvements has motivated me towards the path of Strategy and I very focused on exploring and learning about Growth Strategies.

Sai Santosh Bandari
Duke University

Rahul Suresh
Duke University

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William Pena

I'm William Peña, from Colombia - South America. I am 30 years old and I have lived in different countries around the world which allowed me to learn and speak 5+ languages fluently. My background is in Industrial Engineering and I am currently pursuing an Engineering Management Masters at Duke University in USA. I have worked in sales and as a consultant before. I love car racing and I am currently pursing to make another professional course to learn more and become better at it.

Maanasa Mungimalla
I am Maanasa, from Hyderabad, India. I am a student in MEM at Duke. I have 3 years of work experience in software development at Ford and Walmart. I am curious to learn how companies redefine their business model and continue to have hold of their customers.

Megha Sharam
Duke University

Dong Hua Xie
Duke University

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Tejas Dhekane

Duke University


Your Course Creators



Tony O’Driscoll is a professor, speaker, author, and advisor whose engaging message emphasizes that the key digital-age differentiator is not technology, but people.
Tony has spent the bulk of his professional and academic career at the nexus of Business, Innovation, Technology, Change and Learning, creating and implementing strategies that enable organizations to realize the full potential of their most valuable asset: Human Beings.



Andy Hilger always had a passion for driving innovative cultures that create opportunities for both team members and clients. For the last six years, he served as the President of the $15 billion global staffing and services company Allegis Group. Currently, he leverages his expertise as guest lecturer at Duke University and American University, complemented by a regular blog on leadership. Andy is a sought-after speaker covering diverse subjects like digital transformation, the future of work, AI, leadership, and analytics.



Director the Institute for Work and Employment Research University of St. Gallen, Professor for HRM and Organization Transformation, Former President of FINT (International Network of Trust Researchers), Executive Board Member of the Swiss Academy of Social Sciences and the Humanities. Passionate researcher and teacher in the fields of trust within and across organizations and hr/org practices leading to human thriving.



Disruptive thinker, amateur poet, unacknowledged internet entrepreneur and passionate global C-level transformation leader with over 20 years of experience in implementing strategic business change in multi-cultural, complex organisations and in building global high performing teams to deliver sustainable shareholder value and happiness@work

Our Research Team

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Silvio Christoffel

Good Organisations & Metrics

Identifying and strengthening good organizations is necessary to master the pressing challenges of our time.

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Sara Fontanet

Ethical Leadership

Together we are stronger. The time has come to gather and reflect on how we can bring "goodness" in individuals, organisations and society as whole.


Getting in touch

INSTITUTE OF WORK AT UNI ST. GALLEN Institute for Work and Employment Research University of St. Gallen