“When you say leader, you don't mean a group, you don't mean a community. You  mean "someone" - it's hyper individualistic. More than leadership what we need is communityship.” – Henry Mintzberg

SEASON 1: the quest for "good"

Today's world is complex and defies simple answers. In order to progress, we need to reflect and explore, unlearn and rediscover, and engage with our heads, hearts, hands and souls. Together, we need to learn how to become the conscious and caring leaders humanity needs.

In our interview series “Leaders for Humanity” we plan to ask global thought leaders three simple questions: a) What is Good?, b) What is a Good Organisation?, c) How can we become Good, individually and collectively? Our hope is that, over time, these dialogues will help to shape and guide our evolving narrative. And we are extremely proud to present you an exceptional group of thought leaders in our brand-new "Season 1"!

For each interview you will find pre-readings and transcripts, pointers to further work, and our notes. Hopefully you will enjoy the sessions as much as we do!

Never miss an interview! Just go to YouTube and subscribe to our Good Organisations channel for all upcoming interviews and all our new videos!



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Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor

"When the economy of free enterprises becomes a society of free enterprise, a Corporate Society, its citizens are no longer free." "We are driving to compete, collect and consume our way to neurotic oblivion"

  • 24:41

"The Supreme Court of the United States legalized bribery, some years ago, it's called Citizens United. And what they did, literally, was to throw the door open to political donations from the wealthy."

  • 32:26

"We need to fix capitalism. But we're never going to fix capitalism if we don't fix society. Capitalism is rampant in society. And nowhere is this better exhibited than in phrases like "democratic capitalism". People don't even think about what they're saying, which is that capitalism is more important than democracy."

  • 1:11:57

"Globalization, which is economic globalization, is incontestable. It has no countervailing power, nobody can stand up. Even the big countries have trouble standing up to international globalization."

  • 38:45

"The idea that a CEO should accept to be paid 300 times as much as the workers in the company makes that person not a leader. If you want a definition of someone who's not a leader, it's somebody who by his pay is prepared to send the message that I'm 300 times more important than any of my workers. That's an abomination."

  • 1:11:57

"Leadership is important. But the trouble with the word leadership is it implies an individual. When you say leader, you don't mean a group, you don't mean a community. You don't mean several people, you mean someone. And it's hyper individualistic.More than leadership what we need is communityship."

  • 1:29:01

[Business Schools] are minting money by mistreating education. They're minting money by sending people out who don't have a clue what real management is about, and are distorted from finding out. The few studies we have of MBAs as CEOs, including Harvard MBAs, show they do worse and get paid more.

  • 1:38:50

Do, it's up to you, everybody. It's what you do. It's not what you think it's not what you care about. It's not what you complain about. It's what you do to affect some kind of restoration of balance.

  • 1:49:07
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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Henry's own excellent homepage where you can find all his blogs, books (also those which are freely available) and many articles

We recommend strongly to download his book “Rebalancing Society” which can be found on this page in addition to further comments, insightful articles, and suggestions for action

Our absolute favourite: make sure you sign the "Declaration of Interdependence"!

If you are interested in coaching and development with Henry and with Phil please visit this page for further details on the global  "Coaching Ourselves" initiatives

Finally, you can get an overview and links to his scientific work here

Rebuilding companies as communities.

Henry Mintzberg on CSR as irresponsible management.

Who should control the corporation (hint: the government will not be able to do this job alone)

Geoff More inspired by Henry Mintzberg looks at corporate control from a virtue ethics perspective. Reference: Moore, G. (2003). Hives and horseshoes, Mintzberg or MacIntyre: what future for corporate social responsibility?. Business Ethics: A European Review, 12(1), 41-53.

Henry Mintzberg refers to this excellent article of John Kania and Mark Kramer on how to bring movements together for collective impact.

And of course we must give a call out for Henry's unique beaver sculpture collection!

Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center

by Henry Mintzberg

Managing the Myths of Health Care: Bridging the Separations between Care, Cure, Control, and Community

by Henry Mintzberg

Bedtime Stories for Managers: Farewell to Lofty Leadership. . . Welcome Engaging Management

by Henry Mintzberg

The Structuring of Organizations (Theory of Management Policy) - New edition coming soon

by Henry Mintzberg

Mintzberg on Management

by Henry Mintzberg

Strategy Bites Back: Strategy in Far More, and Less Than You Ever Imagined

by Henry Mintzberg

The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning:
Mintzberg concludes that the term is an oxymoron.

by Henry Mintzberg

Handbook Strategy as Practice:
This Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of an
Alternative View on Strategy.

By Damon Golsorkhi and co-authors

our key takeaways

Pluralists of all Countries, Unite!

Once upon a time, around 1989, the righteous cavaliers of capitalism trounced the evil communist forces and freed the beautiful Princess of Liberty! “Mankind had reached perfection, thanks to the invisible hand and relentless greed”. Henceforth, neocapitalism ruled with precious splendour and all people shall be living (read: consuming) as mini capitalists happily ever after… WRRRRRRRRONG!!

The Best Bits from Our Leaders for Humanity Interview with Henry Mintzberg

Henry is an outspoken critique of today’s "Corporate Society", advocating instead a Rebalanced Society which is — in his own words — made up of “a public sector of political forces rooted in respected governments, a private sector of economic forces based on responsible businesses, and a plural sector of social forces manifested in robust communities”.
leaders for humanity

margit osterloh


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Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor
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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: ethics of conviction, ethics of responsibility (or consequences), institutional ethics, Habermas, procedural utility, crowding-out, sortition/lottery, gender economics, happiness research

All newer papers (including grey papers) of Margit can be found on in this collection of the CREMA research institute

Sortition and random selection in management and governance

How to avoid leadership hubris

Why ranking does not work

Stop linking pay and performance

Communal and Community Enterprises

Women Shy Away From Competition – How To Overcome It (Crema Research)

What we can learn from monastic "enterprises"

Introducing Procedural Utility: Not Only What, But Also How Matters - Procedural utility is a potentially important source of human well-being. Matthias Benz, Bruno S. Frey, Alois Stutzer

The Ethics of Conviction Versus the Ethics of Responsibility: A False Antithesis for Business Ethics. (Enderle)

The Other Neoliberalism: German ordoliberalism after the Euro crisis (LSE)

The German Business Ethics community has developed a fine-grained understanding of institutional ethics, which appears in all the discussions we had with German scholars. We recommend: Martino, M. G. (2020). Civil economy: An alternative to the social market economy? Analysis in the framework of individual versus institutional ethics. Journal of Business Ethics

Institutional democracy will strengthen our society, engaging citizenry and distributing power equitably - argues Mike O'Donnell

Here is a popular TED video about sortition and what it meant for democracy in Athens - short and insightful

Successful Management by Motivation -Balancing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Incentives

Bruno S. Frey, Margit Osterloh

Incentives and Performance - Governance of Research Organizations

Isabell M. Welpe, Jutta Wollersheim, Stefanie Ringelhan, Margit Osterloh

Prozessmanagement als Kernkompetenz: Wie Sie Business Reengineering strategisch nutzen können

by Margit Osterloh, Jetta Frost

Investition Vertrauen -Prozesse der Vertrauensentwicklung in Organisationen

Margit Osterloh, Antoinette Weibel

The Future of the Commons: Beyond Market Failure & Government Regulations

by Elinor Ostrom

Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 1: Reason and the Rationalization of Society

by Jurgen Habermas

Identity Economics: How Our Identities Shape Our Work, Wages, and Well-Being

by George A. Akerlof

Industrial Organization (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series)

by Oliver E. Williamson

The Economics of Transaction Costs

by Oliver E. Williamson

our key takeaways

Stop the Corporate Crooks… Now!

Our corporate world seems to have gone mad as a hatter! Newspaper around the globe are chock-full of distressing stories — featuring corporate managers as greedy tycoons, opportunistic gamblers, eccentric narcissists or hubristic superstars, busily designing billionaire-only resorts on planet Mars. And every day some CEO somewhere makes the headlines for getting away with phenomenal bonuses in spite of miserable performance...

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Margit Osterloh

In our interview Margit clarifies why shareholder capitalism is not good; the importance of institutional ethics and how dialogue needs to be embedded in an institutional framework — touching on the relevance of power and procedural fairness; the difficulty to maintain corporate commons in large businesses; what we can learn from Athenian democracy and monasteries; and why academia has often abandoned the right path.
leaders for humanity


The Urgent Case for a Civil Economy

NOW AVAILABLE: The recording & podcast

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Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor
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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: civil economy, firm as a nexus of contracts, firm as a responsible political actor, market as genus, dono, relational good, common good, axiology, relational ontology

Overview on the vast work of Stefano Zamagni.

Selected article on the civil economy: Bruni, Luigino, and Stephano Zamagni. "Civil economy. Efficiency, equity, public happiness." Society and Business Review (2008).

Selected article on the moral foundations of economics: Zamagni, S. (2021). The quest for an axiological reorientation of economic science. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 58, 391-401.

What is Teleopathy, and how does it affect corporations - example oil industry

Will Herberg is credited with coining the phrase "cut flower culture" to describe the spiritual rootlessness of modern European and American societies. The epithet is typically taken to imply that these societies cannot long survive without being regrafted onto their Judeo-Christian roots. (Wiki)

In the development of a moral self, individuals adopt standards of right and wrong that serve as guides and deterrents for conduct. However, in a pervasive moral paradox, people in all walks of life behave harmfully and still maintain a positive self-regard and live in peace with themselves. (See also "wilful blindness" by Margaret Heffernan)

Ted talk on "wilful blindness" by Margaret Heffernan

Basil of Caesarea, also called Saint Basil the Great, was a Byzantine bishop of Caesarea Mazaca in Cappadocia, Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). He was an influential theologian, who opposed the heresies of the early Christian church

"But it isn’t for the sake of clothing or food that riches are a matter of such concern to so many people; but, by a certain wily artifice of the devil, countless pretexts of expenditure are proposed to the rich, so that they strive for superfluous, useless things as though they were necessary, and so that nothing measures up to their conception of what they should spend..."

Antonio Genovesi was granted the Economics chair at the University of Naples in 1755, the first one of this kind in Italy

Capitalism needs to be embedded in moral norms and it needs to serve a larger social good. Opinion piece by David Brooks, on the "remoralization of markets"

Originally, "sustainability" meant making only such use of natural, renewable resources that people could continue to rely on their yields in the long term.[11][12] The concept of sustainability, or Nachhaltigkeit in German, can be traced back to Hans Carl von Carlowitz (1645–1714), and was applied to forestry. (Wikipedia)

Here some more essays on the problematic "reductionist" view of the firm as a nexus of contracts. If you want to step into this debate please start with these articles:

Here is the original article: Jensen, M. C., & Meckling, W. H. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of financial economics, 3(4), 305-360.

This is a recent overview, historically situated: David Gindis, On the origins, meaning and influence of Jensen and Meckling’s definition of the firm, Oxford Economic Papers, Volume 72, Issue 4, October 2020, Pages 966–984.

This is the seminal critique which argues why the reductionist view is bad for practice: Ghoshal, S., & Moran, P. (1996). Bad for practice: A critique of the transaction cost theory. Academy of management Review, 21(1), 13-47.

Also Nobel prize winner Herbert Simon pushes back and argues why organizations should not be seen as a mere nexus of contracts and offers a different theory of the firm: Simon, H. A. (1991). Organizations and markets. Journal of economic perspectives, 5(2), 25-44.

And some more articles highly recommended by Stefano Zamagni

The first time relational goods were conceptualized: Uhlaner, C. J. (1989). “Relational goods” and participation: Incorporating sociability into a theory of rational action. Public choice, 62(3), 253-285.

This is one of the first articles that introduce relational goods into economic theory: Bruni, L., & Stanca, L. (2008). Watching alone: Relational goods, television and happiness. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 65(3-4), 506-528.

Nobel-Prize Winner Akerlof with a critical view on economics: Akerlof, G. A. (2020). Sins of Omission and the Practice of Economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 58(2), 405-18.

Civil Economy: Another Idea of the Market

by Luigino Bruni, Stefano Zamagni

Cooperative Enterprise – Facing the Challenge of Globalization

by Stefano Zamagni, Vera Zamagni

Handbook on the Economics of Reciprocity and Social Enterprise

Edited by Luigino Bruni, Stefano Zamagni

Lezioni di storia del pensiero economico: Un percorso dall'antichità al Novecento

di Stefano Zamagni, Luigino Bruni, Paolo Santori

Responsabili: Come civilizzare il mercato

di Stefano Zamagni

Prosperità inclusiva. Saggi di economia civile

di Stefano Zamagni

La logica del bene comune. Coscienza, memoria, responsabilità, dialogo.

di Riccardo Milano (a cura di), Stefano Zamagni (Prefazione)

Economia civile e sviluppo sostenibile. Progettare e misurare un nuovo modello di benessere

di Leonardo Becchetti, Luigino Bruni, Stefano Zamagni

Economia civile. Efficienza, equità, felicità pubblica

di Luigino Bruni, Stefano Zamagni

The Microeconomics of Wellbeing and Sustainability: Recasting the Economic Process

Leonardo Becchetti, Luigino Bruni, Stefano Zamagni

Incivilire la finanza. Una bussola per leggere una forma di «amore intelligente». Dalla «Caritas in veritate╗ di Benedetto XVI alla «Laudato si’» di Francesco

di Sergio Gatti, Stefano Zamagni

L'arte della gratuità. Come il capitalismo è nato dal cristianesimo e come lo ha tradito

di Luigino Bruni

The Invisible Hand?: How Market Economies have Emerged and Declined Since AD 500

by Bas van Bavel

Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action

by Elinor Ostrom

Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home

by Pope Francis

Holacracy: The Revolutionary Management System that Abolishes Hierarchy

by Brian J. Robertson

The Price of Inequality

by Joseph Stiglitz

Finance and the Good Society

by Robert J. Shiller

Capital in the Twenty-First Century

by Thomas Piketty

La Déraison de la raison économique: Du délire d'efficacité au principe de précaution

by Serge Latouche

Bowling Alone

by Robert Putnam

An Economist’s Lessons on Happiness: Farewell Dismal Science!

by Richard A. Easterlin

The Reluctant Economist: Perspectives on Economics, Economic History, and Demography

Richard A. Easterlin

Economia ed etica. La crisi e la sfida dell'economia civile

Stefano Zamagni

The Upswing: How We Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again

Robert Putnam andShaylyn Romney Garrett

Moral Disengagement: How People Do Harm and Live with Themselves

by Albert Bandura

our key takeaways

How Economic Science Lost Its Heart and Soul (…and What We Can Do About It)

Imagine a society where people interact with trust, solidarity and fraternity. Where welfare is not measured in terms of GDP, but lived in terms of public happiness. Where the economy is virtuous and markets aim at shared prosperity through mutual exchange and generous reciprocity. Where organisations are, first and foremost, positive agents of societal change — creating communities, not commodities. And where work is centred on the integral development of each person, not solely on products…

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Stefano Zamagni

In our interview Stefan explains the paradigm of the “Civil Economy”, building on early European and Italian Economic theory, Christian values and the work of many renowned economists and political science researchers — from Amartya Sen to Elinor Ostrom, Joseph Stiglitz to Robert Putnam and many others.
leaders for humanity


Virtue Ethics in Business - Do We Need Philosopher CEOs?

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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: Virtue ethics, business ethics, virtues, Daoism, Confucius, Aristotle, China, worldviews, ideology, consumerism

Profile with further information on Alicia's activities

Publication list of Alicia with links to papers and books.

An interesting comparison offered by Alicia. Reference: Hennig, A. (2016). Three Different Approaches to Virtue in Business―Aristotle, Confucius, and Lao Zi. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 11(4), 556-586.

Here Alicia explains how daoism is to be interpreted for managementHennig, A. (2017). Daoism in management. Philosophy of Management, 16(2), 161-182.

In her dissertation Alicia shows how strongly worldviews influence our behavior. Reference: Hennig, A. (2017). An inquiry into responsible business in a neoliberal age.

Daoist values can be applied on the individual level for the purpose of self-realization, self-management, and good leadership practices but also on the corporate level, for a positive corporate culture and a productive organizational environment

Virtue ethics and an ethics of care: complementary or in conflict? Alan Thomas

What’s Aristotelian about neo-Aristotelian Virtue Ethics? Sukaina Hirji

The authors argue that there is not enough political philosophy in business ethics and thus take up an important point of Solomon who argues "that business ethics has a micro level (dealing with individuals), a meso level (concerned with the corporation), and a
macro level (dealing with capitalism in general)." Fits to Alicia and to our quest.

Western leaders seeking the benefits of Taoism should first consider its assumptions and how these presuppositions impact ethical decision-making. In philosophical Taoism, principles revealed in creation, not laws or moral codes, guide ethical choices.

Victims of Circumstances? A Defense of Virtue Ethics in Business by Robert Solomon

Intrinsic motivation and how it is enabled explained on the basis of self-determination theory (a theory we are often drawing on in our interviews). Brick by Brick: The Origins, Development, and Future of Self-Determination Theory by Ryan/Deci

Eudaimonia as a way of living: Connecting Aristotle with self-determination theory Ryan/Martela

Integrating Philosophical and Psychological Accounts of Happiness and Well‑Being by Sabrina Intelisano, Julia Krasko, Maike Luhmann

Interesting perspective of "self" as a pattern of behaviours, rather than "an essence" to be found

Handbook of Eudaimonic Well-Being

by Joar Vittersø

The Tasks of Philosophy, Volume 1: Selected Essays

by Alasdair MacIntyre

After Virtue

by Alasdair MacIntyre

The Routledge Handbook of Virtue Epistemology

by Heather Battaly

Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management

by Alejo José G. Sison et al.

The Oxford Handbook of Virtue

by Nancy Snow

The Nicomachean Ethics

by Aristotle

The Analects

by Confucius (Author), D. C. Lau (Translator)

Dao De Jing: The Book of the Way

by Laozi

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Alicia Hennig

In our interview, we especially focused on business ethics as a discipline, comparing notions of virtues across philosophical systems and touching on Confucianism and Daoism, and we also looked at modern organisational models like “Rendanheyi” in Haier — whilst touching on Alicia’s personal experience of living in China.
leaders for humanity

carol sanford

The Regenerative Paradigm

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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Carol's website with pointers to many of her activities, publications and other resources

Carol's Institute for Regenerative Business Education

Many of Carol's articles about the Regenerative Economy

Carol Sanford on the Principles of the Regenerative Design Paradigm

Carol's explanations on the Regenerative Business Mindset

Using Regenerative Thinking to Achieve Operational Excellence with Carol Sanford

Living Systems View of Purpose: Getting Beyond Passionate Hubris: Carol Sanford at TEDxBGI

The Regenerative Life: Transform any organization, our society, and your destiny

by Carol Sanford

The Regenerative Business: Redesign Work, Cultivate Human Potential, Achieve Extraordinary Outcomes

by Carol Sanford

No More Feedback: Cultivate Consciousness at Work

by Carol Sanford

The Responsible Business: Reimagining Sustainability and Success

by Carol Sanford

The Responsible Entrepreneur: Four Game Changing Archetypes for Founders, Leaders, and Impact Investors

by Carol Sanford

Indirect Work: The Oldest and Best Researched Way to Create Real Change

by Carol Sanford

Several more articles that we came across during our preparation (not by Carol)

A paradigm shift, a concept identified by the American physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn, is a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline. Even though Kuhn restricted the use of the term to the natural sciences, the concept of a paradigm shift has also been used in numerous non-scientific contexts to describe a profound change in a fundamental model or perception of events.

Seminal work of Kuhn on the development of science and paradigms

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is a book about the history of science by philosopher Thomas S. Kuhn. Kuhn challenged the then prevailing view of progress in science in which scientific progress was viewed as "development-by-accumulation" of accepted facts and theories. Kuhn argued for an episodic model in which periods of conceptual continuity where there is cumulative progress, which Kuhn referred to as periods of "normal science", were interrupted by periods of revolutionary science.

Hermeneutic phenomenology and phenomenology have become increasingly popular as research methodologies, yet confusion still exists about the unique aspects of these two methodologies.

A practical review of phenomenology in nursing research, focusing on Heidegger (interpretative) vs Husserl (descriptive)

Ecosophy or ecophilosophy (a portmanteau of ecological philosophy) is a philosophy of ecological harmony or equilibrium. The term was coined by the French post-structuralist philosopher and psychoanalyst Félix Guattari and the Norwegian father of deep ecology, Arne Næss.

Deep ecology, environmental philosophy and social movement based in the belief that humans must radically change their relationship to nature from one that values nature solely for its usefulness to human beings to one that recognizes that nature has an inherent value. Sometimes called an “ecosophy,” deep ecology offers a definition of the self that differs from traditional notions and is a social movement that sometimes has religious and mystical undertones.

Deep ecology appears to be some elaboration of the position that natural things other than humans have value in themselves, value sometimes perhaps exceeding that of or had by humans. But which elaboration is quite another matter.

Our environmental crisis is commonly explained as a product of a set of attitudes and beliefs about the world which have been developed by post-Cartesian technological society. Deep ecologists claim that the crisis can only be overcome by adopting an alternative non-technological paradigm, such as can be discovered in nonWestern cultures. In this paper I (a) express misgivings about the use of the expression 'paradigm' by deep ecologists, (b) question the claim that a science-based world-view inevitably fosters manipulative and exploitative attitudes to the natural world, (c) suggest that non-technological cultures do not necessarily provide exemplary and superior models for relating to the natural world, and (d) defend a scientific naturalism as a satisfying way of realising our unity with the natural world.

In the 1970s, deep ecologists developed a radical normative argument for ‘ecological consciousness’ to challenge environmental and human exploitation. Such consciousness would replace the Enlightenment dualist ‘illusion’ with a post-Enlightenment holism that ‘fully integrated’ humanity within the ecosphere. By the 2000s, deep ecology had fallen out of favour with many green scholars. And, in 2014, it was described as a ‘spent force’. By settling ontological questions in favour of holism and promoting moral voluntarism, deep ecology failed to address how actors with different interests might adopt green ideas. (“[O]ntological questions” involve determining “what you recognise as the factors you will

invoke to account for social life … the terms you accept as ultimate in the order of explanation”

William Grey sets out to criticize deep ecology by first presenting his version of how deep ecology diagnoses the environmental illness of industrial society. The picture he presents is a caricature. Grey claims that deep ecologists find the roots of our environmental problems in a shallow technocratic philosophy which has its deeper taproot in the subsoil of Cartesianism and Christianity. Deep ecology is a philosophical activity, an inquiry, and also a social movement that aims to reopen the conversation with nature and between communities of beings that has been largely interrupted by certain developments in modern industrial society.

Deep ecology represents a strain of radical ecopolitical theory that has, over the past forty
years, engaged in various debates with other strains of radical ecopolitical thought. Though deep
ecology has attempted to defend itself against many critiques from this field, my analysis aims to
reassess deep ecology’s responses (or its silences) related to some of these charges. My goal is to
adequately respond to these critiques that have been made against deep ecology, particularly the
critiques that have arose from social ecology and from perspectives concerned with the Global

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Carol Sanford

In our interview, we explore Carol’s perspective on paradigms and critical thinking, on the concept of “regenerative business” and how organisations can transform, and her thoughts on “nodal roles” that we can all adopt in our lives to enable positive change. Carol is convinced that all progress starts with eduction: when we start to truly adopt a “living system” paradigm, our lives and businesses will develop.
leaders for humanity

alejo sison

Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business

NOW AVAILABLE: The recording, transcript and podcast

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Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor
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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: virtues, eudaimonia, common good, moral capital, good corporate governance, practice, happiness, dialogue, continent, practical wisdom

Excellent homepage with links to all his publications.

Society for Business Ethics

European Business Ethics Network 

Selected articles:

Sison, A. J. G., & Fontrodona, J. (2012). The common good of the firm in the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition. Business ethics quarterly, 22(2), 211-246.

Sison, A. J. G., & Ferrero, I. (2015). How different is neo‐A ristotelian virtue from positive organizational virtuousness?. Business Ethics: A European Review, 24, S78-S98.

Sison, A. J. G., Ferrero, I., & Guitián, G. (2019). Characterizing virtues in finance. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(4), 995-1007.

Fontrodona, J., & Sison, A. J. G. (2006). The nature of the firm, agency theory and shareholder theory: A critique from philosophical anthropology. Journal of business ethics, 66(1), 33-42.

The Virtues Practices Institutions (VPI) model we discussed in the interview (see also Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management)

Beadle, R., & Moore, G. (2006). MacIntyre on virtue and organization. Organization Studies, 27(3), 323-340.

Ferrero, I., & Sison, A. J. G. (2014). A quantitative analysis of authors, schools and themes in virtue ethics articles in business ethics and management journals (1980–2011). Business Ethics: A European Review, 23(4), 375-400.

Measuring systems of virtues development In book: Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management

Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management

by Alejo José G. Sison et al.

The Moral Capital of Leaders: Why Virtue Matters

by Alejo José G. Sison

Business Ethics: A Virtue Ethics and Common Good Approach

by Alejo Sison, Ignacio Ferrero, Gregorio Guitián

Corporate Governance and Ethics: An Aristotelian Perspective

by Alejo Jose G. Sison

Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business: The Ultimate Value Proposition

by Alejo José G. Sison

The Challenges of Capitalism for Virtue Ethics and the Common Good: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

by Kleio Akrivou, Alejo José G. Sison

La virtud, sintesis de tiempo y eternidad: la etica en la escuela de Atenas

Spanish edition by Alejo G Sison

After Virtue

by Alasdair MacIntyre

Virtue Ethics and Human Enhancement

by Barbro Fröding

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Alejo Sison

Alejo's research is at the juncture of ethics, economics, and politics, with a focus on the virtues and the common good. In our interview, we discuss a virtue ethics perspective on the theory of the firm, corporate governance, the moral capital of leaders, Ethics and AI, and also his latest sole-authored book on “Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business: The Ultimate Value Proposition” (Cambridge University Press, 2015).
leaders for humanity


Happiness and Economics

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Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor
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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: happiness, direct democracy, procedural utility, citizenship, special interests, public choice, advocatus diaboli, participation, deliberation, Buchanan, paternalism

Excellent homepage where you find all his articles and books.

Selection of articles:

Frey, B. S., & Stutzer, A. (2002). What can economists learn from happiness research?. Journal of Economic literature, 40(2), 402-435.

On the importance of a public choice view of political economy

Rost, K., Inauen, E., Osterloh, M., & Frey, B. S. (2010). The corporate governance of Benedictine abbeys: What can stock corporations learn from monasteries?. Journal of Management History

External interventions have a significant and systematic effect on preferences: Under specific conditions they crowd an individual's intrinsic motivation in or out.

When discussing constitutional design, economists concentrate on the propensity of individuals to free ride. Preventing opportunistic behaviour by knaves has costs by crowding out civic virtue.

Eichenberger, R., & Frey, B. S. (2002). Democratic governance for a globalized world. Kyklos, 55(2), 265-287.

Yes, Managers Should Be Paid Like Bureaucrats

States are ill equipped to meet the challenges of a globalized world. The concept of citizenship with its rights and obligations, including the allegiance owed, is too narrowly defined to exist only between individuals and a state. 

Are political economists selfish and indoctrinated? Evidence from a natural experiment

Publishing as Prostitution? – Choosing Between One's Own Ideas and Academic Success

Eine andere Akademie. How University could be reinvented.

Discussion points in the area of political economics and rational choice:

The impossibility theorem of Kenneth Arrow

Amartya Sen's review of Ken Arrow's famous Theorem of General Possibility

Ladner, A. (2011). Switzerland: Subsidiarity, power‐sharing, and direct democracy. In The Oxford handbook of local and regional democracy in Europe.

The political business cycle theory as discussed by: Drazen, A. (2000). The political business cycle after 25 years. NBER macroeconomics annual, 15, 75-117.

Happiness and Economics: How the Economy and Institutions Affect Human Well-Being

by Bruno S. Frey, Alois Stutzer

Honours versus Money: The Economics of Awards

by Bruno S. Frey, Jana Gallus

Not Just for the Money: An Economic Theory of Personal Motivation

by Bruno S. Frey

Dealing with Terrorism – Stick or Carrot?

by Bruno S. Frey

21st Century Economics: Economic Ideas You Should Read and Remember

by Bruno S. Frey (Editor), Christoph A. Schaltegger (Editor

Happiness: A Revolution in Economics

by Bruno S. Frey, Hans–werner Sinn

Ökonomische Theorie der Politik

by Werner W. Pommerehne, Bruno S. Frey

Economics as a Science of Human Behaviour

Bruno S. Frey

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Bruno Frey

In our interview we move beyond organisations and ethics to investigate public choice theory, the relevance of happiness in Economics and the importance of institutions. Bruno extends economics beyond standard neo-classics by including insights from other disciplines — like political science, psychology and sociology — and advances a number of highly innovative suggestions.
leaders for humanity


An Emergent Theory of Natural Ethics

NOW AVAILABLE: The recording, transcript and podcast

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NOW AVAILABLE: The recording, transcript and podcast

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Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor
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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: eudaimonia, virtue ethics, functional argument, evolutionary theory, human nature, evolutionary psychology, social harmony, social identity, practical wisdom, constitutive goods, communion

Find Blaines' complete publication list on google scholar.

Blaine's website with links to his publications. "Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on." -Samuel Butler

The Moral Science Network as discussed with Blaine Fowers.

The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues is a pioneering interdisciplinary research centre focussing on character, virtues and values in the interest of human flourishing (University of Birmingham)

Further information and requests to join the Network for Research on Morality (currently operating as a listserv network) may be made to: Professor Blaine Fowers (bfowers@miami.edu), Department of Educational and Psychological Studies, Miami University

Selected Articles and concepts

Fowers, B. J., Carroll, J. S., Leonhardt, N. D., & Cokelet, B. (2021). The emerging science of virtue. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(1), 118-147

Kristjánsson, K., Fowers, B., Darnell, C., & Pollard, D. (2021). Phronesis (practical wisdom) as a type of contextual integrative thinking. Review of General Psychology, 25(3), 239-257

An exploratory study of friendship characteristics and their relations with hedonic and eudaimonic well-being

Fowers, B. J. (2008). From continence to virtue: Recovering goodness, character unity, and character types for positive psychology. Theory & Psychology, 18(5), 629-653.

A Psychology of Wisdom: History and Recent Developments

Fowers, B. J. (2016). Aristotle on eudaimonia: On the virtue of returning to the source. In Handbook of eudaimonic well-being (pp. 67-83). Springer, Cham.

Many of the shortcomings of `positive psychology' seem to stem from its unreflectively perpetuating key assumptions of the very mainstream social science it censures for being too `negative.' Philosophical hermeneutics and related social theory perspectives allow us to identify and critically examine such assumptions, including a one-sided individualism and narrow instrumentalism. Frank C. Richardson, Charles B. Guignon

Which Game Are You Playing? Is your corporate culture geared for social business? One of the most important, and most often overlooked, aspects of social business is organizational culture. For organizations with the right type of culture, social business represents the opportunity to unlock new collaborative potential and fundamentally transform the organization. Gerald C. Kane

In biology, altricial species are those in which the young are underdeveloped at the time of birth, but with the aid of their parents mature after birth.

Attachment theory is a psychological, evolutionary and ethological theory concerning relationships between humans. The most important tenet is that young children need to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for normal social and emotional development. The theory was formulated by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst John Bowlby.

Aristotle's Painful Path to Virtue - Aristotle's oft-repeated prescription for becoming virtuous is, "We become just by performing just acts, and temperate by performing temperate acts". Now virtuous action is different in different situations, so habitually acting virtuously does not mean repeatedly doing the same thing, but rather it means repeatedly doing the right thing. April 2002, Journal of the History of Philosophy 40(2):141-162 DOI: 10.1353/hph.2002.0026 Howard Curzer

Introduction to the special issue of Journal of Moral Education: Research in morality as an integrated, interdisciplinary domain of inquiry

Critical and Philosophical Psychology:

Prilleltensky, I. (2020). Mattering at the intersection of psychology, philosophy, and politics. American Journal of Community Psychology, 65(1-2), 16-34..

Parker, I. (2007). Critical psychology: What it is and what it is not. Social and personality psychology compass, 1(1), 1-15.

Talbot Brewer is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Virginia. He specializes in ethics and political philosophy, with particular attention to moral psychology and Aristotelian ethics.

Dr. Isaac Prilleltensky  is the inaugural Erwin and Barbara Mautner Chair in Community Well-Being at the University of Miami. He has published twelve books and over 140 articles and chapters

William James, philosopher and psychologist, was instrumental in establishing Harvard's psychology department, which at its inception was tied to the department of philosophy. James himself remained unconvinced that psychology was in fact a distinct discipline (Harvard)

The Evolution of Ethics: Human Sociality and the Emergence of Ethical Mindedness

by B. Fowers

Frailty, Suffering, and Vice: Flourishing in the Face of Human Limitations

by Blaine J. Flowers, Frank C. Richardson, et al.

Virtue and Psychology: Pursuing Excellence in Ordinary Practices

by Blaine J. Fowers

Beyond the Myth of Marital Happiness: How Embracing the Virtues of Loyalty, Generosity, Justice, and Courage Can Strengthen Your Relationship

by Blaine Fowers

Re-envisioning Psychology: Ethics and Values in Modern Practice

by Frank C. Richardson, Blaine J. Fowers, Charles B. Guignon

The Will to Power

by Friedrich Nietzsche

Spiritual Capital

Danah Zohar

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Blaine Fowers

In our interview we had an intriguing dialogue about Blaine’s in-depth investigation into evolutionary theory seeking to bring Aristotle’s notion of “essentially human” excellence to live. Moreover, his research and teaching combines insights from psychology and philosophy — especially virtue ethics - to further enrich our understanding of how to lead a “good life”, at and beyond work.
leaders for humanity


Bridging Morality and Management

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Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: organisational studies, practice turn, process turn, eudaimonia, moral philosophy, language turn, praxeology, ontology, relational view

Personal website of Hari Tsoukas with events, information and links to books and publications.

Google Scholar publications for Haridimos Tsoukas - University of Cyprus & University of Warwick

European Group for Organizational Studies

13th International Process Symposium Organizing on the Precipice: Process Studies in Extreme Contexts 20-23 June 2022, Rhodes

Sensemaking reconsidered: Towards a broader understanding through phenomenology

Weick, K. E. (1979). The Social Psychology of Organizing (2nd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison-

Strategy and virtue: Developing strategy-as-practice through virtue ethics - Strategy-as-practice research has usefully built on earlier strategy process research by taking into account the social embeddedness of strategy making. While such an approach has generated valuable insights, it has curiously left unexplored the moral dimension of practice. Tsoukas, H. (2018). Strategy and virtue: Developing strategy-as-practice through virtue ethics. Strategic Organization, 16(3), 323-351.

Institutions-the structures, practices, and meanings that define what people and organizations think, do, and aspire to-are created through process. They are'work in progress' that involves continual efforts to maintain, modify, or disturb them. Institutional logics are also in motion, holding varying degrees of dominance that change over time.

When it comes to the field of organization and management theory, a philosophical perspective enables us to conduct organizational research imbued with the attitude of'wonder'; it helps researchers question dominant images of thought underlying mainstream thinking, and provides fresh distinctions that enable the development of new theory.

The gap between theory and practice has been a persistent concern in the applied social sciences. In organization and management science, in particular, there has been an increasing dissatisfaction with management theories' capacity to be relevant to management practice  Sandberg, J., & Tsoukas, H. (2011). Grasping the logic of practice: Theorizing through practical rationality. Academy of management review, 36(2), 338-360.

In Search of Phronesis: Leadership and the Art of Judgment - We explore the process through which people in organizations, especially those in leadership positions, in circumstances marked by ambiguity, surprise, and conflicting values, come to, or arrive at, judgment.

What is reflection‐in‐action? A phenomenological account - Building on the work of Donald Schön and phenomenological treatments of practice, we propose a phenomenological theory of reflection‐in‐action that develops this concept further, thereby transcending a number of limitations we find in his theorizing.

Reforming the state: Understanding the vicious circles of reform - The recent financial crisis in Europe, made manifest formidable needs for massive state reform. The challenge, from a process view, is that previous reform attempts have often failed, with each new failure leading to less readiness for future reform. 

Interesting summary of Wittgenstein's contribution to philosophy - Meaning is use: Wittgenstein on the limits of language

The Dreyfus model of skill acquisition is a model of how learners acquire skills through formal instruction and practicing, used in the fields of education and operations research. Brothers Stuart and Hubert Dreyfus proposed the model in 1980

Herbert Alexander Simon (June 15, 1916 – February 9, 2001) was an American political scientist, with a Ph.D. in political science, whose work also influenced the fields of computer science, economics, and cognitive psychology. His primary research interest was decision-making within organizations and he is best known for the theories of "bounded rationality" and "satisficing"

The Helikopter-Streichquartett is one of Karlheinz Stockhausen's best-known pieces, and one of the most complex to perform. It involves a string quartet, four helicopters with pilots, as well as audio and video equipment and technicians. It was first performed and recorded in 1995.

Philosophical Organization Theory

by Haridimos Tsoukas

Institutions and Organizations: A Process View (Perspectives on Process Organization Studies)

by Trish Reay, Tammar B. Zilber, Ann Langley, Haridimos Tsoukas

Organizational Routines: How They Are Created, Maintained, and Changed

by Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Claus Rerup, Ann Langley, Haridimos Tsoukas (Editors)

Constructing Identity in and around Organizations

by Majken Schultz, Steve Maguire, Ann Langley, Haridimos Tsoukas

The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies

by Ann Langley, Haridimos Tsoukas (Editors)

Philosophy and Organization Theory

by Haridimos Tsoukas, Robert Chia

Complex Knowledge: Studies in Organizational Epistemology

by Haridimos Tsoukas

The Oxford Handbook Of Organization Theory: Meta-theoretical Perspectives

by Haridimos Tsoukas

Being and Time

by Martin Heidegger

Organisational Learning -An integrated HR and knowledge management perspective

by Roderick Smith

Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach

by Martha C. Nussbaum

Development as Freedom

by Amartya Sen

The Road to Serfdom

by F. A. Hayek

Sensemaking in Organizations

by Karl E. Weick

Philosophical Investigations

by Ludwig Wittgenstein

Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity

by Stephen Edelston Toulmin

Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil

by Hannah Arendt

Heart of Enterprise

by Stafford Beer

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Hari Tsoukas

In our interview, we discuss with Hari the connections between ethics, organisations and leadership - investigating into multiple theoretical and philosophical perspectives on organisations-as-institutions, the relevance of strategy as a virtuous process, the importance of reflection-in-action, business ethics, and dialogic approaches to knowledge creation and system thinking.
leaders for humanity


Capitalism Has Failed- Can Democratic Socialism Save Our World

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Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor
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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: democratic socialism, capitalism, government, shared purpose, central planning, societal transformation, enabling bureaucracy, high road organisation, value rationality

You can find most publications of Paul Adler here at University of Southern California Marshall School of Business Department of Management and Organization

Further details on Google Scholar

Odyssey of a Socialist in the Business School World - remarks at the 2020 Academy of Management on receiving the Organization and Management Theory Division's Distinguished Scholar award https://doi.org/10.1177/10564926211056525

Democratic socialism is defined as having a socialist economy in which the means of production are socially and collectively owned or controlled,[2] alongside a liberal democratic political system of government.

Bureaucracy for the 21st Century: Clarifying and Expanding Our View of Bureaucratic Organization. Reviewing organizational research on bureaucracy, we find three main perspectives: bureaucracy as an organizing principle, as a paradigmatic form of organization, and as one type of structure among others. We argue that these three perspectives should be expanded to overcome the de-contextualized, reified, and narrow ways bureaucracy is often viewed.

Adler, P. S., Borys, B. (1996). Two Types of Bureaucracy: Enabling and Coercive. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(1), 61-89.

Bodrozic, Z., and P.S. Adler (2017) The Evolution of Management Models: A Neo-Schumpeterian Theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 63, 1: 85-129

Collaboration as an organization design for shared purpose - “Shared purpose,” understood as a widely shared commitment to the organization’s fundamental raison d’être, can be a powerful driver of organizational performance by providing both motivation and direction for members’ joint problem-solving efforts.

Adler, P. S., Kwon, S., Heckscher, C. (2008). Professional work: The emergence of collaborative community. Organization Science, 19(2), 359-376.

"Instrumental" and "value rationality" are terms scholars use to identify two ways humans reason when coordinating group behaviour to maintain social life. Instrumental rationality recognizes means that "work" efficiently to achieve ends. Value rationality recognizes ends that are "right," legitimate in themselves.

Adler, P. S. (2007). The Future of Critical Management Studies: A Paleo-Marxist Critique of Labour Process Theory. Organization Studies, 28(9), 1313-1345.

Adler, P. S., Kwon, S. (2002). Social capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of Management Review, 27(1), 17-40.

Adler, P. S. (2001). Market, Hierarchy, and Trust: The Knowledge Economy and the Future of Capitalism. Organization Science, (March-April), 214-234.

Adler, P. S., Borys, B. (1993). Materialism and Idealism in Organizational Theory. Organization Studies, 14(5), 657-679.

The long-running debate between the ‘rational design’ and ‘emergent process’ schools of strategy formation has involved caricatures of firms' strategic planning processes, but little empirical evidence of whether and how companies plan. Despite the presumption that environmental turbulence renders conventional strategic planning all but impossible, the evidence from the corporate sector suggests that reports of the demise of strategic planning are greatly exaggerated. - Robert Grant

In Freedom’s Right, Axel Honneth offers a nuanced and historically rich discussion of the moral possibilities and limits of market society. Building on Hegel, Polanyi, and Durkheim, Honneth argues that market society is not inherently morally objectionable if economic markets are “embedded” in a system of other social institutions that rein in the market’s pathologies and excesses.

Varieties of Capitalism and institutional comparative advantage: A test and reinterpretation. How do national-level institutions relate to national comparative advantages? We seek to shed light on this question by exploring two different sets of hypotheses based on the Varieties of Capitalism and other branches of comparative capitalisms literature. Michael A. Witt and Gregory Jackson

Olin explores a broad framework for thinking sociologically about emancipatory alternatives to dominant institutions
and social structures in the service to enable flourishing. Wright, E. O. (2013). Transforming capitalism through real utopias. Irish Journal of Sociology, 21(2), 6-40.

The '3.5% rule': How a small minority can change the world (BBC)

Website and Ted Talk of Erica Chenoweth who found this 3.5% rule when studying nonviolent civil resistance

The 99 Percent Economy: How Democratic Socialism Can Overcome the Crises of Capitalism

by Paul S. Adler

The Oxford Handbook of Sociology, Social Theory, and Organization Studies: Contemporary Currents

by Paul S. Adler

The Firm as a Collaborative Community: The Reconstruction of Trust in the Knowledge Economy

by Charles Heckscher, Paul S. Adler

The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies: Classical Foundations

by Paul S. Adler

Healing Together: The Labor-Management Partnership at Kaiser Permanente

by Thomas A. Kochan, Adrienne E. Eaton, Robert B. McKersie, Paul S. Adler

How to be anAnti-capitalist for the 21st Century

Erik Olin Wright

The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time

by Karl Polanyi

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Paul Adler

In our interview, we discuss the symptoms of the 99% economy and explore how can we learn from both past and present to mitigate the crises of neoliberal capitalism; we review modern “high ground” organisations like Kaiser Permanente and deep dive into the configuration and challenges of a highly participative “strategising” process; and learn why bureaucracy will not disappear any time soon. Finally, based on his extensive inquiry into both political and organisational theory and practice, Paul develops his alternative model of democratic socialism.
leaders for humanity


The Powerful Art of Action Inquiry

The recording & some of our preferred quotes

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Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor
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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: action inquiry, vertical leadership development, action logic, CDAI, GLP, single/double/triple loop learning,  liberating structures, community of inquiry, reflection-in and on action, mutuality, inter-independence, transformative power

A brilliant starting point for resources, links, events and many of Bill's publication in full pdf version

A large collection of articles on Google Scholar

Torbert, W. R., & Rooke, D. (2005). Seven transformations of leadership. Harvard Business Review, 83(4), 66-76.

Chandler, D., & Torbert, B. (2003). Transforming inquiry and action: Interweaving 27 flavors of action research. Action research, 1(2), 133-152.

Palus, C.J., McGuire, J.B., Stawiski, S. and Torbert, W.R. (2020), "The Art and Science of Vertical Development", Reams, J. (Ed.) Maturing Leadership: How Adult Development Impacts Leadership, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 59-81. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78973-401-020201005

Developmental action inquiry: A distinct integral theory that actually integrates developmental theory, practice, and research. In this chapter, we offer an introduction to our work over the past 40 years of developing the distinctive integral theory, practice, and types of research known as Developmental Action Inquiry (DAI), including the most recent empirical and clinical findings using the Leadership Development Profile (LDP, Harthill).

Transforming Social Science: Integrating Quantitative, Qualitative, and Action Research - During the twentieth century, the social sciences have been riven by paradigm controversies—so much so that physical and natural scientists often view this apparent disarray as prima facie evidence that social studies do not deserve the name science.

Pre-bureaucratic and post-bureaucratic stages of organization development - A nine-stage theory of organizational development, analogous to Erikson's (1959) theory of individual development, is introduced in order to provide a new perspective on the problems of creating new organizations, changing bureaucratic organizations, and envisioning qualitatively different kinds of organizing. Illustrations of the stages derive mainly from alternative educational settings.  

The False Duality of Work and Leisure -Work and leisure are commonly viewed as dichotomous and antithetical. The authors argue that this conceptual duality is unreflective, confounding the meaning of each term. They suggest that work and leisure are complements that in their highest states share core elements and are best understood in dynamic relation to each other.

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1877) was a Russian philosopher, mystic, spiritual teacher, and composer of Armenian and Greek descent. Gurdjieff taught that most humans do not possess a unified consciousness and thus live their lives in a state of hypnotic "waking sleep", but that it is possible to awaken to a higher state of consciousness and achieve full human potential.

The music of Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff - Thomas De Hartmann. Pianists Michele Fedrigotti, Danilo Lorenzini, Michèle Thomasson. The pieces were recorded during the concert on January 29, 2001 at the Teatro della Cometa in Rome.

Please note: For books that are out of print or where Bill has made his books available for download you will find the relevant download links below. Please consult his website on http://www.williamrtorbert.com/resources/bill-torbert/ for further details, information and links

Numbskull in the Theatre of Inquiry: Transforming Self, Friends, Organizations, and Social Science

by Bill Torbert

Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership

by Bill Torbert

Personal and Organisational Transformations: Through Action Inquiry

by Dalmar Fisher, David Rooke, Bill Torbert

Creating a Community of Inquiry: Conflict, Collaboration, Transformation [Download]

by Bill Torbert

Learning from Experience: Toward Consciousness [Download]

by Bill Torbert

Managing the Corporate Dream: Restructuring for Longterm Success [Download]

The Power of Balance: Transforming Self, Society and Scientific Inquiry [Download]

by Bill Torbert

Eros/Power: Love in the Spirit of Inquiry

by Hilary Bradbury, William Torbert

Being for the Most Part Puppets [Download]

Torbert, William R.; Rogers, Malcolm P.

Street Smart Awareness and Inquiry-in-Action

by Ms Jane Allen, Ms Heidi Gutekunst, Mr William R. Torbert


by William Sloane Coffin

The Collected Sermons of William Sloane Coffin, Volumes One and Two: The Riverside Years

by William Sloane Coffin

The Fourth Way: Teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff

by P. D. Ouspensky

The Social Contract

by Jean-Jaques Rousseau

A Theory of Justice: Revised Edition

by J Rawls

Critique of Pure Reason

by Immanuel Kant

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Bill Torbert

In our interview, we discuss with Bill how to practice “action inquiry” in order to transform ourselves individually and collectively, and become good leaders of ourselves and others. We review the “action logics” - Bill’s framework for the development of mental paradigms, and investigate how organisations and academia can contribute to increase our capacity to reflect and act wisely. And we also hear about Bill’s ontological perspective on science and the nature of time — a session not to be missed!
leaders for humanity


A Quest for Eco-centric Leadership

The recording & some of our preferred quotes

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The transcript is generated automatically via AI and might contain small errors
Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor

pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: Critical Thinking, Critical Management Science, emancipation, Quaker, spiritual consensus, curiosity, emotions, crisis, management-as-asylum, anarchism, Discourse Analysis, Power, Mutuality, Eco-Leadership, Psychoanalysis, Leadership as a Psychological Construct

Many resources. links and the "Edgy Ideas" podcast are available on Simon's ANC website 

A number of Simon's publications available on Google Scholar

The Eco-Leadership Institute is a think-tank, a developmental hub, and a change agent.

Four discourses is a concept developed by French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. He argued that there were four fundamental types of discourse. He defined four discourses, which he called Master, University, Hysteric and Analyst, and suggested that these relate dynamically to one another.

Object relations theory in psychoanalytic psychology is the process of developing a psyche in relation to others in the childhood environment. It designates theories or aspects of theories that are concerned with the exploration of relationships between real and external people as well as internal images and the relations found in them. It maintains that the infant's relationship with the mother primarily determines the formation of its personality in adult life.

The object relations theory of Melanie Klein pivoted around the importance of love and hate, concern for and destruction of others, from infancy onwards. Klein stressed the importance of inborn aggression as a reflection of the death drive and talked about the battle of love and hatred throughout the life span.

We talked quite a lot about the decision-making of Quakers. Find a paper on Quaker Decision Making which explains and reflects the process.

And wonderful book by Jane Bennett on "The Enchantment of Modern Life: Attachments, Crossings, and Ethics".

The topic has been rediscovered in the organizational literature: Pessi, A. B., Seppänen, A. M., Spännäri, J., Grönlund, H., Martela, F., & Paakkanen, M. (2021). In search of copassion: Creating a novel concept to promote re-enchantment at work. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 23409444211058179

In social science, disenchantment (German: Entzauberung) is the cultural rationalization and devaluation of religion apparent in modern society. The term was borrowed from Friedrich Schiller by Max Weber to describe the character of a modernized, bureaucratic, secularized Western society.

Michael Puett on decsion-making and whether we should be searching for our "essence" to shape our careers (youtube)

Leadership: A Critical Text

by Simon Western

Coaching and Mentoring: A Critical Text

by Simon Western

Global Leadership Perspectives: Insights and Analysis

by Simon Western,Éric-Jean Garcia

Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene (Experimental Futures)

by Donna J. Haraway

Ecrits: A Selection

by Jacques Lacan

The Evolving Self: Problem and Process in Human Development

by Robert Kegan

Power: The Essential Works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984

by Michel Foucault

Experiences in Groups: and Other Papers

by W. R. Bion

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Simon Western

In our highly stimulating interview, we discussed with Simon the implications of critical management theory and his research in social movements, his in-depth revision of salient historical leadership discourses and the challenges with new and systemic leadership approaches. Building on Simon’s personal experience we also centred on the relevance of psychodynamics and morality, and the opportunity to re-enchant our work and lives.
leaders for humanity


Leadership and The Art of Practical Wisdom

The recording & some of our preferred quotes

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Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor
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pre-reading, links and selected materials

Keywords: practical wisdom, catholic social teaching, entrepreneurs, co-responsibility, practical wisdom, institutional ethics, social democracy, Freiburg School of Ordoliberalism, Chamber of Commerce, apprenticeship

Prof. Dr. André Habisch Professur für Christliche Sozialethik

Bachmann, C., Habisch, A., & Dierksmeier, C. (2018). Practical wisdom: Management’s no longer forgotten virtue. Journal of Business Ethics, 153(1), 147-165.

El Garah, W., Beekun, R. I., Habisch, A., Lenssen, G., & Adaui, C. L. (2012). Practical wisdom for management from the Islamic tradition. Journal of Management Development.

Franco, G., & Habisch, A. (2018). Wilhelm Röpke and the Role of “Moral Capital” for the Social Market Economy. Journal for Markets and Ethics. 133-144.

Léon Harmel, né le 17 février 1829, à La Neuville-lès-Wasigny, dans les Ardennes, et mort le 25 novembre 1915, à Nice, était un industriel français. Camérier secret du pape Léon XIII, il expérimenta la doctrine sociale de l'Église, engagée par ce dernier, dans sa filature du Val-des-Bois sur la commune de Warmeriville, dans le département français de la Marne, à la limite entre ce département de la Marne et celui des Ardennes.

As Minister of Labour, Brauns advanced laws and decrees on works councils, workers' participation in management, collective bargaining agreements, labour arbitration, labour law and employment exchanges. He also supported rules on policies such as social security entitlements or handouts for the war-wounded. Brauns was a major influence on social policy in Weimar Germany.

Habisch, A. (2017). Practical Wisdom for Social Innovation. How Christian Entrepreneurs Triggered the Emergence of the Catholic Social Tradition in Europe. In On the Economic Significance of the Catholic Social Doctrine (pp. 167-190). Springer, Cham.

Birth of the German Ordoliberalism.

This chapter considers the development of German and European competition law, particularly Ordoliberalism and the Freiburg school of economic thought. It discusses the accounts of Franz Bohm, Walter Eucken, Hans Grossman-Doerty, and other ordoliberals.

Exiles and Half-exiles: Wilhelm Röpke, Alexander Rüstow and Walter Eucken.

Die Sozialen Marktwirtschaft hat das deutsche Wirtschaftswunder hervorgebracht. Aber wie ist sie eigentlich entstanden? Wir zeichnen hier die Geschichte der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft von ihren Urahnen wie Aristoteles über Max Weber, Walter Eucken und Ludwig Erhard nach. Denn: Nur wer die Vergangenheit kennt, kann die Gegenwart verstehen - und so die Zukunft gestalten.

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) was to become a new Pentecost of the Catholic Church. The event also really shed new light on the contribution and role of women: At the invitation of Saint Pope Paul VI, 23 women took part in the Council as auditors.

In this article, the authors argue that misbehaviors of organizations (the ‘barrels’) and their members (the ‘apples’) cannot be addressed properly without a clear understanding of their broader context (the ‘larder’).

Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe

by André Habisch, Jan Jonker, Martina Wegner, René Schmidpeter

The German Chambers of Commerce and Industry: Self-governance, Service,...[Download]

by Eberhard Sasse, Andre Habisch

Corporate Citizenship: Gesellschaftliches Engagement von Unternehmen in Deutschland (Unternehmen und Gesellschaft) (German Edition)

by André Habisch

Cultural Roots of Sustainable Management: Practical Wisdom and Corporate Social Responsibility

by André Habisch, René Schmidpeter

Tradition und Erneuerung der christlichen Sozialethik in Zeiten der Modernisierung

by André Habisch, Hanns Jürgen Küsters, Rudolf Uertz

Erfolgsfaktor Verantwortung: Corporate Social Responsibility professionell managen (German Edition)

by Kaevan Gazdar, André Habisch, Klaus Rainer Kirchhoff, Sam Vaseghi

Handbuch Corporate Citizenship: Corporate Social Responsibility für Manager (German Edition)

by André Habisch, René Schmidpeter, Martin Neureiter

Practical Wisdom and Diversity: Aligning Insights, Virtues and Values

by André Habisch et al.

Christliche Unternehmer (Deutsche Führungsschichten in der Neuzeit, Band 19)

by Francesca Schinzinger

Léon Harmel: Entrepreneur as Catholic Social Reformer (Catholic Social Tradition)

by Joan L. Coffey

The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations

by Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel

Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond

by O Neill

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with André Habisch

In our fascinating discussion, we explored with André the institutional and cultural embeddedness of entrepreneurship — focussing especially on the role of entrepreneurs in Germany’s post-war period, as well as the outstanding success of the German Chambers of Commerce and its vocational apprenticeship model. Moreover, we reviewed concept and importance of practical wisdom in leadership development, as well as the role of religion and spirituality in a“good life” - and discussed whether moral norms are in contradiction with modern pluralism.
leaders for humanity


Pioneering New Ways To Organise

The recording & some of our preferred quotes

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Podcast version of the webcast on Spotify
Podcast version of the webcast on Anchor

pre-reading, links and selected materials

Further information and links in Emanuele's profile page on Linkedin

The Human Organization Explained and further resources about organisational change

One of the most forward-thinking organisational design and transformation consultancies in Europe - with many free resources

The Platform Design Toolkit – Platform Opportunity Exploration Guide. The Platform Opportunity Exploration Guide and the related canvases provide a structured approach to scanning an ecosystem and assessing the platform opportunity in there.

Through their unique ability to empower multiple streams of value creation among million of actors, platform organizations such as Amazon, Airbnb, Haier are quickly emerging as leaders of the business world. Boundaryless will share early insights from mixing their market-based design with sociocracy as an attempt to foster unprecedented levels of entrepreneurship, motivation, inclusiveness and power distribution.

Collapsing Empires and Rainforests at Teal Around The World 2021. An overview of Haier's Rendanheyi model and how to leverage it to design adaptive, ecosystemic organizations able to fully unlock human potential and unprecedented market value in the era of platforms and IoT

Emanuele Quintarelli has years of experience on how to introduce enterprise social tools into large organisations. At Social Now 2016 Emanuele shared a few steps to help organisations become more productive and more human.

The shifting role of “strategy” in a world in deep and continuous evolution - Martin Reeves on dynamic strategies. "We need to think about vitality, which is not performance, it’s the potential for future performance. Key about dynamic strategy is essentially, either real world needs driven adaptation, or ideas driven, imagination driven, creative strategy..."

Whether it’s from external events such as Covid-19 or a market crash, Rita Gunther McGrath points out that inflection points are inevitable for any organization. The key is to not remain complacent, but to keep moving, innovate and learn what the new strategy playbook looks like in a non-linear world. She also suggests that we may have been “sleepwalking” our way into complexity and that we’re now starting to see the consequences.

Ted Rau's website full of resources about sociocracy

James Priest's website on sociocracy S3 with many resources and design patterns

Frederic Laloux's website with many practical tips, links, information and over 200 hours of videos

Dialogic Organization Development: The Theory and Practice of Transformational Change

by Gervase R. Bushe, Robert J. Marshak

Small Arcs of Larger Circles: Framing Through Other Patterns

by Nora Bateson

Critical Systems Thinking and the Management of Complexity

by Michael C. Jackson

Cynefin - Weaving Sense-Making into the Fabric of Our World

by Dave Snowden et al.

The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth

by Amy C. Edmondson

Humanocracy: Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People Inside Them

by Gary Hamel, Michele Zanini


by Ted J Rau, Jerry Koch-Gonzalez

Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage in Human Consciousness [Pay what feels right]

by Frederic Laloux

Holacracy: The Revolutionary Management System that Abolishes Hierarchy

by Brian J. Robertson

Open Strategy: Mastering Disruption from Outside the C-Suite (Management on the Cutting Edge)

by Christian Stadler, Julia Hautz

our key takeaways

The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Emanuele Quintarelli

In our interview, we discuss how to define and configure “good organisations” and whether in our complex world of today there is a space for more universal values and normative views. Moreover, we deep dive into a comparative analysis of modern organisational models, including Agile, Holacracy, Sociocracy, Teal and Haier’s Rendanhahyi. Emanuele gives us a deeper glance into the practical challenges of organisational evolution and how different models can support the creation of businesses with extensive autonomy and participation, creativity and innovation, and social purpose - liberating employees to contribute and find meaning in work again.
Make YOUR voices heard: simply connect with ourGood Organisations Linkedin page to join the discussion and provide your own perspective!

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Transcripts have been created with Otter.ai. 
If you have any additional resources, contacts, suggestions, ideas  - or if you have comments or questions - please get in touch via our contact form!