“When you say leader, you don't mean a group, you don't mean a community. You mean "someone" - it's hyper individualistic. More than leadership what we need is communityship.” – Henry Mintzberg
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording & some of our preferred quotes
"When the economy of free enterprises becomes a society of free enterprise, a Corporate Society, its citizens are no longer free." "We are driving to compete, collect and consume our way to neurotic oblivion"
- 24:41
"The Supreme Court of the United States legalized bribery, some years ago, it's called Citizens United. And what they did, literally, was to throw the door open to political donations from the wealthy."
- 32:26
"We need to fix capitalism. But we're never going to fix capitalism if we don't fix society. Capitalism is rampant in society. And nowhere is this better exhibited than in phrases like "democratic capitalism". People don't even think about what they're saying, which is that capitalism is more important than democracy."
- 1:11:57
"Globalization, which is economic globalization, is incontestable. It has no countervailing power, nobody can stand up. Even the big countries have trouble standing up to international globalization."
- 38:45
"The idea that a CEO should accept to be paid 300 times as much as the workers in the company makes that person not a leader. If you want a definition of someone who's not a leader, it's somebody who by his pay is prepared to send the message that I'm 300 times more important than any of my workers. That's an abomination."
- 1:11:57
"Leadership is important. But the trouble with the word leadership is it implies an individual. When you say leader, you don't mean a group, you don't mean a community. You don't mean several people, you mean someone. And it's hyper individualistic.More than leadership what we need is communityship."
- 1:29:01
[Business Schools] are minting money by mistreating education. They're minting money by sending people out who don't have a clue what real management is about, and are distorted from finding out. The few studies we have of MBAs as CEOs, including Harvard MBAs, show they do worse and get paid more.
- 1:38:50
Do, it's up to you, everybody. It's what you do. It's not what you think it's not what you care about. It's not what you complain about. It's what you do to affect some kind of restoration of balance.
- 1:49:07
Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center
Managing the Myths of Health Care: Bridging the Separations between Care, Cure, Control, and Community
Bedtime Stories for Managers: Farewell to Lofty Leadership. . . Welcome Engaging Management
The Structuring of Organizations (Theory of Management Policy) - New edition coming soon
Mintzberg on Management
Strategy Bites Back: Strategy in Far More, and Less Than You Ever Imagined
The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning:
Mintzberg concludes that the term is an oxymoron.
Handbook Strategy as Practice:
This Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of an
Alternative View on Strategy.
The Best Bits from Our Leaders for Humanity Interview with Henry Mintzberg
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording & podcast
Successful Management by Motivation -Balancing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Incentives
Incentives and Performance - Governance of Research Organizations
Prozessmanagement als Kernkompetenz: Wie Sie Business Reengineering strategisch nutzen können
Investition Vertrauen -Prozesse der Vertrauensentwicklung in Organisationen
The Future of the Commons: Beyond Market Failure & Government Regulations
Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 1: Reason and the Rationalization of Society
Identity Economics: How Our Identities Shape Our Work, Wages, and Well-Being
Industrial Organization (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series)
The Economics of Transaction Costs
Stop the Corporate Crooks… Now!
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Margit Osterloh
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording & podcast
Civil Economy: Another Idea of the Market
Cooperative Enterprise – Facing the Challenge of Globalization
Handbook on the Economics of Reciprocity and Social Enterprise
Lezioni di storia del pensiero economico: Un percorso dall'antichità al Novecento
Responsabili: Come civilizzare il mercato
Prosperità inclusiva. Saggi di economia civile
La logica del bene comune. Coscienza, memoria, responsabilità, dialogo.
Economia civile e sviluppo sostenibile. Progettare e misurare un nuovo modello di benessere
Economia civile. Efficienza, equità, felicità pubblica
The Microeconomics of Wellbeing and Sustainability: Recasting the Economic Process
Incivilire la finanza. Una bussola per leggere una forma di «amore intelligente». Dalla «Caritas in veritate╗ di Benedetto XVI alla «Laudato si’» di Francesco
L'arte della gratuità. Come il capitalismo è nato dal cristianesimo e come lo ha tradito
The Invisible Hand?: How Market Economies have Emerged and Declined Since AD 500
Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action
Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home
Holacracy: The Revolutionary Management System that Abolishes Hierarchy
The Price of Inequality
Finance and the Good Society
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
La Déraison de la raison économique: Du délire d'efficacité au principe de précaution
Bowling Alone
An Economist’s Lessons on Happiness: Farewell Dismal Science!
The Reluctant Economist: Perspectives on Economics, Economic History, and Demography
Economia ed etica. La crisi e la sfida dell'economia civile
The Upswing: How We Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again
Moral Disengagement: How People Do Harm and Live with Themselves
How Economic Science Lost Its Heart and Soul (…and What We Can Do About It)
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Stefano Zamagni
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording & podcast
Handbook of Eudaimonic Well-Being
The Tasks of Philosophy, Volume 1: Selected Essays
After Virtue
The Routledge Handbook of Virtue Epistemology
Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management
The Oxford Handbook of Virtue
The Nicomachean Ethics
The Analects
Dao De Jing: The Book of the Way
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Alicia Hennig
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording, transcript and podcast
The Regenerative Life: Transform any organization, our society, and your destiny
The Regenerative Business: Redesign Work, Cultivate Human Potential, Achieve Extraordinary Outcomes
No More Feedback: Cultivate Consciousness at Work
The Responsible Business: Reimagining Sustainability and Success
The Responsible Entrepreneur: Four Game Changing Archetypes for Founders, Leaders, and Impact Investors
Indirect Work: The Oldest and Best Researched Way to Create Real Change
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Carol Sanford
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording, transcript and podcast
Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management
The Moral Capital of Leaders: Why Virtue Matters
Business Ethics: A Virtue Ethics and Common Good Approach
Corporate Governance and Ethics: An Aristotelian Perspective
Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business: The Ultimate Value Proposition
The Challenges of Capitalism for Virtue Ethics and the Common Good: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
La virtud, sintesis de tiempo y eternidad: la etica en la escuela de Atenas
After Virtue
Virtue Ethics and Human Enhancement
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Alejo Sison
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording, transcript and podcast
Happiness and Economics: How the Economy and Institutions Affect Human Well-Being
Honours versus Money: The Economics of Awards
Not Just for the Money: An Economic Theory of Personal Motivation
Dealing with Terrorism – Stick or Carrot?
21st Century Economics: Economic Ideas You Should Read and Remember
Happiness: A Revolution in Economics
Ökonomische Theorie der Politik
Economics as a Science of Human Behaviour
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Bruno Frey
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording, transcript and podcast
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording, transcript and podcast
Selected Articles and concepts
The Evolution of Ethics: Human Sociality and the Emergence of Ethical Mindedness
Frailty, Suffering, and Vice: Flourishing in the Face of Human Limitations
Virtue and Psychology: Pursuing Excellence in Ordinary Practices
Beyond the Myth of Marital Happiness: How Embracing the Virtues of Loyalty, Generosity, Justice, and Courage Can Strengthen Your Relationship
Re-envisioning Psychology: Ethics and Values in Modern Practice
The Will to Power
Spiritual Capital
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Blaine Fowers
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording, transcript and podcast
Philosophical Organization Theory
Institutions and Organizations: A Process View (Perspectives on Process Organization Studies)
Organizational Routines: How They Are Created, Maintained, and Changed
Constructing Identity in and around Organizations
The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies
Philosophy and Organization Theory
Complex Knowledge: Studies in Organizational Epistemology
The Oxford Handbook Of Organization Theory: Meta-theoretical Perspectives
Being and Time
Organisational Learning -An integrated HR and knowledge management perspective
Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach
Development as Freedom
The Road to Serfdom
Sensemaking in Organizations
Philosophical Investigations
Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
Heart of Enterprise
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Hari Tsoukas
NOW AVAILABLE: The recording, transcript and podcast
The 99 Percent Economy: How Democratic Socialism Can Overcome the Crises of Capitalism
The Oxford Handbook of Sociology, Social Theory, and Organization Studies: Contemporary Currents
The Firm as a Collaborative Community: The Reconstruction of Trust in the Knowledge Economy
The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies: Classical Foundations
Healing Together: The Labor-Management Partnership at Kaiser Permanente
How to be anAnti-capitalist for the 21st Century
The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Paul Adler
The recording & some of our preferred quotes
Numbskull in the Theatre of Inquiry: Transforming Self, Friends, Organizations, and Social Science
Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership
Personal and Organisational Transformations: Through Action Inquiry
Creating a Community of Inquiry: Conflict, Collaboration, Transformation [Download]
Learning from Experience: Toward Consciousness [Download]
Managing the Corporate Dream: Restructuring for Longterm Success [Download]
The Power of Balance: Transforming Self, Society and Scientific Inquiry [Download]
Eros/Power: Love in the Spirit of Inquiry
Being for the Most Part Puppets [Download]
Street Smart Awareness and Inquiry-in-Action
The Collected Sermons of William Sloane Coffin, Volumes One and Two: The Riverside Years
The Fourth Way: Teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff
The Social Contract
A Theory of Justice: Revised Edition
Critique of Pure Reason
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Bill Torbert
The recording & some of our preferred quotes
Leadership: A Critical Text
Coaching and Mentoring: A Critical Text
Global Leadership Perspectives: Insights and Analysis
Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene (Experimental Futures)
Ecrits: A Selection
The Evolving Self: Problem and Process in Human Development
Power: The Essential Works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984
Experiences in Groups: and Other Papers
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with Simon Western
The recording & some of our preferred quotes
Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe
The German Chambers of Commerce and Industry: Self-governance, Service,...[Download]
Corporate Citizenship: Gesellschaftliches Engagement von Unternehmen in Deutschland (Unternehmen und Gesellschaft) (German Edition)
Cultural Roots of Sustainable Management: Practical Wisdom and Corporate Social Responsibility
Tradition und Erneuerung der christlichen Sozialethik in Zeiten der Modernisierung
Erfolgsfaktor Verantwortung: Corporate Social Responsibility professionell managen (German Edition)
Handbuch Corporate Citizenship: Corporate Social Responsibility für Manager (German Edition)
Practical Wisdom and Diversity: Aligning Insights, Virtues and Values
Christliche Unternehmer (Deutsche Führungsschichten in der Neuzeit, Band 19)
Léon Harmel: Entrepreneur as Catholic Social Reformer (Catholic Social Tradition)
The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations
Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond
The Best Bits from Leaders for Humanity with André Habisch
The recording & some of our preferred quotes
Dialogic Organization Development: The Theory and Practice of Transformational Change