The World's First Flourishing Manifesto To Radically Reinvent Work

the manifesto

The Global Flourishing Manifesto

Developed by a global coalition of professionals for HR and business professionals.

Fuelled by a shared commitment to more equitable, humane, and inspirational workplaces.

A Necessary Transformation

Traditional performance management practices in organizations have long been plagued by significant challenges and frequent failures:

  • Performance management often reinforces a myopic fixation on short-term profits and a limited perspective of individuals as mere cogs in the machine.
  • Traditional performance management systems tend to foster a culture of fear and competition rather than collaboration, creativity and systemic flourishing.
  • A heavy reliance on quantitative and financial metrics leads to a narrow focus on easily measurable outcomes, neglecting the importance of qualitative aspects, systemic, ecological and social impact and individual development.
  • The emphasis on annual or biannual reviews often results in a retrospective and static evaluation, failing to capture the dynamic nature of employees' contributions.
  • In spite of good intentions, many innovative practices fail to acknowledge available evidence and research, perpetuating existing shortcomings
  • The time-consuming and bureaucratic nature of traditional performance appraisals contributes not only to costs, but also to disengagement and dissatisfaction among employees, and the collective squandering of human potential. 

A Great Opportunity for Good Organisations

This project is designed for forward-thinking organizations and individuals who recognize the imperative need for a positive revolution in performance management. Whether you're an HR professional, business leader, consultant, coach or part of a professional association, if you are passionate about fostering workplace flourishing, this initiative is for you! For more detailed information about collaboration opportunities, please see Project section below.

A manifesto

for flourishing at work [MVP V1.0]

Welcome to a pioneering initiative aimed at reshaping the future of work. This global manifesto on performance management represents a unique collaboration among HR professionals, practitioners, consultants, and academics from across the globe. Together, we've pooled our expertise to create a comprehensive framework of principles and practices to empower HR leaders in transforming their organizations to foster greater purpose, performance, and social value.

Drawing inspiration from the Agile manifesto, the Flourishing manifesto goes beyond methodological suggestions to form the cornerstone of a holistic business change journey and a paradigm shift in how we approach work:

  • Four core beliefs:On the left, our beliefs are rooted in a new management paradigm that prioritizes organizational flourishing. In contrast, the counterparts on the right reflect common traits found in traditional performance management processes.
  • 11 principles:The six principles on the left guide the overarching structure of the performance management process, while the five on the right pertain to specific components within it.
  • Exemplary practices:Page 2 of the manifesto outlines various practices and methods associated with both conventional and new management models. We hope this will help practitioners in transitioning to the new performance management approach.

The manifesto evolves through agile sprints. Following the May presentation, we'll invite extensive input from HR and business leaders, aiming to release the next version (MVP2) by the final quarter of 2024. We welcome your contributions to shaping the evolving manifesto or your partnership in implementing the principles and practices within your organization.

Download the LATEST VERSION of the manifesto by clicking on the image or link. (Be sure to check back for the most recent MVPs.)



  • The strapline A Manifesto For Flourishing At Work repeats Flourish so might be redundant i.e. if combined with the next line: A manifesto for taking a stand against……………
  • Comment on page one: I had previously suggested something along the line of - Equip your people managers with the skills and confidence to facilitate impactful conversations. I think a key principle needs to cover the critical dynamic between a colleague and his/her team leader, together with how an organisation should/must equip team leaders with the right skills and confidence etc
  • Overall comment is that some of the principles are quite lengthy and combine different constructs/themes, so might be an opportunity to simplify the language and reduce the wordcount on the actual principles – appreciate this is a challenge when combining several different brilliant ideas! What is our yardstick test for a great principle?
  • Principle 1. Good people and social value might not be immediately understandable for the audience, so perhaps each principle needs to pass the ‘Sun Reader’ test as a minimum? Continuous progress could be continuous learning, which removes the hierarchical implication of progress. I really like the notion of to foster the flourishing of every colleague.
  • Principle 3. Bit convoluted this one, as had to read it several times! Perhaps self-directed teams is the essence of this principle?
  • Principle 5. Love this! Suggest delete ‘keep constant’. System could be confused for some with IT………..just saying. Overall, this principle is clear and actionable.
  • Principle 6. Like this, though would take out ‘social value’ as we have not explained this anywhere i.e. could be the ‘how to / elaboration’ that comes down the track when people ask us how to apply the manifesto.
  • Principle 10. Pay and reward is not limited just to transformation. Not sure I agree with stopping bonuses altogether, as surely the point is the basis on which bonuses are awarded i.e. collective endeavours and success?
  • Principle 10. Have re-read and whilst there are some great thoughts in this one, it seems to be several principles packed into one?

  • Not sure the smartest and dumbest language works in the context of flourishing? It could switch the reader off, especially if they have personally advocated for practices on the right! Perhaps practices which are positive / enablers and those practices that hinder / block flourishing?
  • We perhaps need to say something about HR IT systems as being enablers and not an off the shelf design. 
  • Goal setting could imply imposed, so defining/agreeing goals? Like horizontal commitments as this speaks to joined up E2E processes. Could make mention of the customer/client i.e. outcomes that really make a difference? On the negative side thinking about micromanagement, something about excessive KPIs and reporting? Is there also something positive around team-based goals which encourages collaboration and alignment around the common purpose and collective value?
  • Feedback could be changed to Feed forward? Positive practices are self-reflection and review, 360 Feedback for development only, mentoring as well as coaching. Hindering practices: Letting colleagues struggle without in the moment coaching and support. 
  • Appraisal is such a loaded term, so could we think of a different language such as success / flourishing conversations? 
  • Appraisal: Love the on-demand thought, as this addresses the point about not letting new hires/poor performers flounder and drown. Something around learning goals for the individual and or the community as a whole? 
  • Appraisal: Do we need to differentiate between the performance (How am I doing against expectations/standards for the current role) versus potential (where I would like to go next if I can)? This could also include job enrichment practices i.e. the introduction of AI may seem a threat, however, by removing routine administrative work, the job could be redesigned to include higher value more intrinsically rewarding work. Hindering practices: Agree on the points you have plus using the annual ‘appraisal’ for downsizing/rightsizing exercises.
  • Pay and Reward: is a very broad topic, however, I think on the positive side we could have something on the disparity between reward for the top team and the lowest level roles should reflect the values of your organisation, commitments to shareholders and society at large. 
  • Pay and Reward: Could also mention equal pay/fairness from a DEI standpoint.
  • Pay and Reward: Hindering practices: NB Untransparent should b non-transparent or use opaque. I would add not putting salary levels on job adverts, not sharing (internally at least) pay bands so that colleagues can plan career moves. The other big one in terms of disparity is paying new hires top dollar and ignoring loyal long serving high performers.
  • L&D – Not just apprenticeships but also schemes for all categories of entrants e.g. Graduates and experienced hires. 
  • L&D: Positive practices: structured onboarding approach, perhaps with a buddy. For leaders in the past, I have facilitated assimilation workshops which proved very effective. Learning curriculums (or learning pathways) which include blended learning elements i.e. not just eLearning. Leadership development which is experiential in nature e.g. action learning based and cross functional i.e. stimulates the building of social networks across the organisation. Secondments to other organisations perhaps even charities which speaks to the moral and civic aspects. 
  • L&D: Where do we factor in career development – L&D for being effective in the current role and development to optimise potential for future larger / different roles? 
  • L&D Bad practices: eLearning point is spot on! Another (picked up from the HR Technology Conference) is that AI is not a magic L&D bullet. Getting the basics right (70:20:10 – which I know is flawed but quick shorthand) with a solid learning needs analysis is so often missing in organisations. Competency and skills frameworks as a cottage industry is another! (Positive – coherent frameworks/taxonomies not tied to banding/grading that have skills by proficiency level)
Our thanks go in particular to

  • Mark McAleer
  • Michele Zanini
  • Andy Hilger

Please send us your insights, comments, critique, questions, ideas! You can leave your feedback and comments in the form to co-create the next MVP! We will keep you informed of all developments.

join the campaign

The Freedom to Flourish Campaign

Start the conversation about performance management at your own organisation.

Bring together HR and business leaders to develop new and better practices.

Show your support for the manifesto campaign by taking a stand for flourishing at work! Send us your selfie with the sticker in your office!

"I'm not a human resource, I'm a human being!" (Henry Mintzberg)

You can get additional campaign stickers to spread the message further. Simply send us an email, and we'll provide you with the print files or connect you with our UK printers.

CAMPAIGN TESTIMONIALS (Click images to play the videos)


Performance Management is Broken

Performance management is at the very heart of the organization, serving as THE vital connection between people and  purpose of the business.

Get access to decades of lessons learned by researchers and practitioners championing innovative solutions to drive organizational flourishing.

Performance Management Practices Fail To Deliver

The power of research demonstrating the shortfalls of tradtional performance management is crushing. Overall, the verdict is clear: there is little to no correlation between individual performance rankings and business results.

  • An overemphasis on SMART goals can lead to undermining of adaptive, innovative and entrepreneurial behaviors (see for instance Ordonez et al 2009)
  • An overemphasis on stretch, (over-)ambitious goals can lead to unwanted work intensification, stress and unethical behaviors (see for instance Schweitzer et al 2017)
  • Performance feedback does not work (Kluger et al 1996; DeNisi et al 2017); learning oriented meaningful conversations do (see for instance Budworth et al 2015)
  • Performance appraisal - ratings and rankings - are not accurate, create resistance, limit learning and are not linked to organisational performance (see for instance Murphy 2019)
  • High powered incentives often create misalignment (see for instance Roberts 2010), may undermine intrinsic motivation (see for instance Buch et al 2016), reduce contextual and creative performance, may lead to unethical behaviors (see for instance Park et al 2022) and create psychological as well as system-maintenance costs (see for instance Larkin et al 2012)
  • "High performance work practices" (in particular those aimed at motivation) when corrected with the costs created seem to undermine organisational performance (Kaufman 2012; Ho et al 2019)

Everybody Hates Performance Management

In spite of significant efforts by HR and business leaders, performance management remains a challenge.

  • Only 14% of employees strongly agree that performance reviews inspire them to improve.
  • Only 26% of employees say they received feedback that helps them do their job better
  • Only 23% of organisations say performance accountability reflects employee contributions
  • Fewer than one-third of employees believe the review process is fair. 
  • Only 18% of HR leaders consider performance management to be effective. 
  • 60% of HR executives give their own performance management systems a grade of C or below. 
  • Only 8% of HR executives feel performance accountability made contribution to business 
  • 98% of HR managers believe yearly evaluations are not useful. 
  • Over 90% of employees are dissatisfied with appraisal systems





In a world where the average person spends over 100,000 hours working, where more than 80% of adults deeply identify with their job roles, and where employment still far too often creates significant unhappiness, the imperative is clear—we must ensure that work becomes a positive force for as many people as possible.

And we firmly believe that this requires leadership. Leaders, across the board, need to not only deepen their understanding of what constitutes good work and actively contribute to its realization, but they must also scrutinize their own role within organisational systems, and assess their own capacity for transformative change, both personally and institutionally.

Seizing the opportunity of the recent global HR Congress, we turned the spotlight on a pivotal group of leaders – those in HR. Why HR? Because, more than any other leaders, we believe HR leaders should be the custodians of good work. After all, HR is all about people, isn’t it? But, here’s the twist: when Antoinette and I delved into the data, to be perfectly honest, we didn’t really see it. Thus, we decided to kick off the Congress with a gentle provocation: we suggest the future of work is looking increasingly bleak, because leaders – particularly those in HR – find themselves increasingly stuck.

Please find more information and recordings from the HR Congress Horizons World Summit 2023 here: A big thanks to organisers, speakers and participants for all the superb conversations!

Please visit the Global Society for Good Leadership LinkedIn page and for more details, references and further materials.



What is new in performance management? Performance management has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent decades, with innovative organizations leading the way in redefining its principles and practices.

  • One notable shift has been the move away from traditional, rigid performance appraisals towards more continuous and agile feedback systems. Forward-thinking companies recognize the importance of ongoing communication and development, fostering a culture of regular performance discussions rather than annual evaluations.
  • Innovative approaches also emphasize human-centric strategies. Organizations are increasingly focusing on individual growth, aligning personal development goals with broader organizational objectives. This shift from a top-down to a collaborative approach empowers employees, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement in their performance journey.
  • Another noteworthy aspect is the increasing emphasis on social and team-oriented practices. Rather than solely focusing on individual achievements, there is a growing recognition that many goals are achieved through teamwork and collaboration. As a result, performance management practices are adapting to incorporate team-based metrics and evaluations, encouraging a sense of camaraderie and mutual accountability and fostering a positive team culture where individuals are not only accountable for their own performance but also contribute to the success of the team as a whole.
  • Additionally, technology plays a pivotal role in this evolution. The advent of data analytics and AI-driven tools allows for more objective and real-time performance assessments. These tools not only streamline the process but also provide actionable insights for continuous improvement and make it easier for employees to engage.
In essence, Jon argues that innovation in performance management is characterized by agility, a strong emphasis on human development, more social inclusion and innovative technology. His insightful revision highlights both the progress made and areas that still require attention. In conclusion, Jon endorses a move towards "flourishing" as a new paradigm for a renewal of performance management.



Antoinette's insights shed light on a critical question: Is Performance Management innovation truly working? Despite the transformative changes highlighted by Jon Ingham, a comprehensive review of academic research by Antoinette reveals a significant gap between innovative practices and tangible improvements.

  • Goal Setting: Even with the introduction of OKRs, goal-setting remains highly prescriptive, often hindering rather than enhancing performance.
  • Performance Feedback: Contrary to expectations, performance feedback fails to create a substantial impact on actual performance
  • Ranking and Ratings: While intended to enhance performance, practices like ranking and ratings, have negative effects and contribute to "sorting" behaviours especially in the long-term
  • Transparency: Excessive transparency, though intended to promote accountability, often leads to gaming behavior, undermining the genuine improvement of performance.
  • Performance Evaluation: Despite ongoing innovations, performance evaluation consistently fails to delivering results, prompting a need for reevaluation.
  • Meritocracy: Antoinette challenges the notion of meritocracy, emphasizing that small biases are perpetuated and amplified, preventing the realization of true merit-based systems.
  • Pay for Performance: The link between pay and performance remains tenuous. Pay for performance often reduces both intrinsic motivation and actual performance, while generating high hidden costs.
  • CEO Pay: Antoinette suggests that outrageously high compensation for CEOs may explain the persistence of performance-contingent pay, while much research demonstrates its ineffectiveness.

In summary, Antoinette underscores the crucial disconnect between innovative performance management practices and their real-world impact. Her call for closer collaboration between practitioners and academics emphasizes the need for a more nuanced, evidence-based approach to truly drive positive change in performance management.



Tamra's inspiring call to action during our session was simple yet powerful: "Colleagues in HR, have some courage to change!" Join us for a stimulating 90-minute workshop as Tamra shares her powerful insights from decades of work in HR and organisational transformation, across sectors!

With a laser focus on the appraisal process, Tamra's message was crystal clear: if you still use traditional ratings, normal distribution curves, or forced levelling, just stop! Now! It's simply not good enough to rely on outdated methods. Instead, Tamra offered invaluable insights from decades in the field on fostering fairness, providing developmental feedback, and making reward systems more effective and transparent.

This session is an absolute treasure trove of wisdom, packed with practical lessons, innovative ideas, and actionable strategies for transforming performance management. Trust us, you won't want to miss it!

Tamra is a globally recognized thought leader, author, and speaker celebrated for developing innovative and transformative approaches to maximizing organizational performance. With over three decades of strategic collaboration spanning diverse sectors, she has been at the forefront of reshaping HR practices and organizational paradigms. Formerly a Partner at EY, she founded PeopleFirm LLC in 2009, earning accolades such as Forbes Magazine's "America’s Best Management Consulting Firms" and establishing it as a prominent women-owned enterprise in Washington. She is the esteemed author of three influential books on performance management: "How Performance Management Is Killing Performance"; "Rethinking Performance Management"; and "FEEDBACK (and Other Dirty Words) Why We Fear It, How to Fix It".


Neel's highly inspirational presentation emphasizes that understanding the science of performance requires us to answer three crucial questions: 1. What is performance? 2. What drives performance? 3. What scales performance?

Regarding performance, Neel highlights the crucial difference between tactical and adaptive, demonstrating how many organizations focus solely on tactical performance. Quoting Deepak Malhotra, he points out that the issue eventually shifts from "the mouse being in a maze" to "the maze being in the mouse."

In discussing what drives performance, Neel reveals that the secret lies in "total motivation." With numerous insightful details, he outlines six types of motives and explains how the performance management ecosystem can either positively or negatively impact their balance. Indirect motives often decrease performance, while learning is the only sustainable way to enhance it. This principle extends to goals as well—learning goals consistently outperform performance goals. Moreover, ratings typically exacerbate the problem.

To scale performance, senior leaders must first change their own mindset, which often focuses solely on tactical performance. They must then systematically and scientifically link performance management, motivation, and performance to cultivate cultures where organizations can truly flourish. Finally, they should leverage available tools, including AI, to enhance the system.



Join us for an an insightful 60-minute discussion with Simon Schafheitle as we delve into the promises and perils of Data and AI in HR!

In our discussion, we first examine the broader challenges of performance management highlighted in recent academic research. Then, we deep dive into the technological advancements in AI and automation, uncovering the significant risks organizations encounter today, such as surveillance and algorithmic bias, and the potential rise in workload and stress. However, amidst these challenges, we also explore the exciting opportunities technology offers - from data-driven insights to personalized development or greater freedom from mundane and repetitive work.Simon offers us a plethora of concrete examples from real-world applications and companies and prompts us to consider how we can responsibly harness innovation to empower employees and propel organizational success. Digital gains, according to Simon, require analog wisdom.

Simon Schafheitle is Assistant Professor for Human Resource Management and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Twente, specializing in the impact of technology on organizational control and human trust relationships in digital work settings. He earned his PhD from the University of St. Gallen in 2020, focusing on 21st-century workplace architecture and trust dynamics. Simon has received prestigious awards for his innovative research and practical contributions to the field.



In this session, we explore innovative strategies for enhancing employee performance, including dynamic feedback systems, adaptable goal-setting methods, peer recognition programs, alternative performance review approaches, data analytics integration, and the influence of organizational design.

Throughout the discussion, Michele highlights a series stimulating examples from many highly innovative organisations, including Buurtzorg, SpaceX, Haier, Gore, Nucor, Ingersoll Rand, Oktogonen and others.

Michele is a co-author of the Wall Street Journal Bestseller "Humanocracy," advocating for bold, entrepreneurial organizations that prioritize creativity and initiative over top-down power structures. With a background as a senior consultant at McKinsey & Company, he has extensive experience in large-scale transformation initiatives and research on emerging management practices. He is also a prolific writer for publications like the Harvard Business Review and a sought-after speaker at conferences worldwide.



This presentation explores the definition of pay and the connection between performance and compensation, highlighting the goals of performance pay, compensation components, and the ubiquitous nature of performance. It emphasizes the concept of holistic pay, which extends beyond monetary rewards to include impact and development opportunities. The presentation also addresses central compensation dilemmas faced by companies.

Moving on to "New Pay", it contrasts traditional pay structures with new approaches across seven dimensions, illustrated through examples. Finally, it discusses the dilemmas encountered on the New Pay journey and proposes a compass for addressing them, along with common challenges for all compensation approaches.

Stefanie Hornung is an influential freelance journalist renowned for her expertise in new management practices. She has deep insights into HR and is particularly recognized for her expertise in pay structures, having co-founded the New Pay Network and the New Pay Collective. She is a former key member of Europe's largest trade fair for HR management and has authored multiple books on compensation, contributing significantly to discussions on innovative pay models.


Join us for an an exciting 60-minute workshop with Mark McAleer as he shares his most powerful insights from 20+ years in corporate HR roles and over 15 years in in HR consulting, across 8 sectors!

We embark on a revealing journey through the HR trenches to dissect the intricacies of performance management. Get ready for the gritty realities and hard-earned insights from the frontline of HR operations: from the challenges of objective setting to the pitfalls of assessments and feedback, from the practicalities of succession to innovations in L&D or pay! Brace yourself for an illuminating exploration of HR wisdom, including and beyond 9-box matrices, PiPs and PDPs! In summary, Mark emphasizes that performance management remains critical for organizational success. Yet, he concludes, "businesses often have exactly the performance management they deserve," which should be enough to make executives pay more than lip service to its urgent transformation.

Mark McAleer stands as a beacon of progressive thought in leadership development and business transformation, boasting a wealth of expertise in HR and talent management on a global scale. With a distinguished executive career traversing diverse sectors like ICT, telco, oil & gas, FMCG, marketing, and finance, Mark currently serves as the Organization Solutions Director at BDO. Additionally, he is Visiting Lecturer on the MBA program at Hult Business School.


Creating Freedom to Flourish

Traditional performance management often relies on some variant of "pigeon training"

More than new practices, we must develop a new paradigm to enable organizational flourishing

What is Performance Management

Performance management is a systematic and continuous process that involves planning, monitoring, developing, reviewing, evaluating and rewarding the performance of individuals or teams within an organization. It aims to optimize individual and team performance, align behaviours with strategic goals, enable professional development, and thus contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Key practices of performance management typically include

  • Setting “smart” objectives
  • Providing regular performance feedback
  • Appraising performance against established criteria
  • Identifying areas for improvement and development
  • Recognizing and rewarding achievements (or managing the consequences of underperformance)
However, many additional HR practices, such as recruitment and selection, learning & development, employee engagement and recognition, HR analytics, payroll, OD, D&I directly or indirectly support performance management. 

What is the problem with Performance Management

Traditional performance management often relies on some variant of "pigeon training": a combination of a utilitarian performance definition, emphasizing profit maximization and financial returns, and an engineering approach to performance optimization:

  • It is assumed that performance can be accurately forecasted, attributed and measured, that all required activities and outcomes can be predefined, and that causes of individual performance are easily determinable (and manipulable). Total performance is treated simply as the aggregate of individual and unit achievements.
  • On that basis, financial targets are decomposed and cascaded to organizational units, teams and roles, guided by the annual budgeting cycle. Then, “cybernetic” controls are established through governance cycles, both at organizational and individual/unit level.
  • Individual behaviours are assumed to be rational and selfish. Performance results from a linear combination of factors, such as personal ability, motivation and opportunity. Hence, at the individual level, performance can be optimised by: a) ensuring a match between individual competencies and role requirements, b) alignment of individual and corporate purpose. Motivation can be stimulated through carrots and sticks, i.e. extrinsic rewards and punishments. On that basis, appropriate incentives are established.

The Quest For A New Paradigm

Our hypothesis is that the functionality of performance management within an organization is intricately tied to the prevailing "action logic," a framework about how the "world works" shaped by the fundamental beliefs of founders or leaders. This encompasses three key dimensions: a) the values associated with the concept of "performance"; b) a set of beliefs regarding how organizational performance interconnects with individual behaviors; and c) an understanding of the ways in which individual behavior can be effectively influenced.

While traditional performance management has already faced considerable critique, in our view much of it does not change the prevailing "action logic". As a result, many innovative practices ultimately serve as "lipstick on a pig": they legitimise and perpetuate a morally unsustainable paradigm.

  • Ethically, a predominantly utilitarian definition of performance as profit maximisation mostly goes unquestioned. The broader CSR movement has sometimes challenged a merely instrumental purpose, but without much success. Our focus on "flourishing" will demand a more substantive review of what we mean by performance, for whom, and how it can be measured.
  • From an ontological standpoint, performance continues to be viewed as a property of individuals or teams, rather than an emergent organisational property shaped by more intricate mechanisms both within the company, as well as in the broader market and ecosystem. Our revision requires a more holistic approach, including organisational design and governance, in order to determine what it means to "cultivate" flourishing within a social system.


The Way Ahead

On this basis, we are pursuing a dual approach to performance management reform: Firstly, we are critically examining contemporary practices to assess their effectiveness within the "traditional" logic, drawing insights from academic research. Secondly, we are deliberately revising the conventional logic and developing new tools and processes that resonate with a novel approach centered around organizational flourishing. This parallel approach enables us to propose innovative solutions that both align with a redefined organizational logic while also addressing existing shortcomings and lessons learned from established practices.

the global community

Join The Global Manifesto Community

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” (Meg Wheatley)

Build on hands-on lessons learned from social and business transformation.

Change is (Too) Slow

Improvements in Performance Management are glacial. We believe that several factors are contributing to the lack of progress in performance management evolution. One important aspect is that a coherent, credible and practical alternative is missing. Therefore, our mission is to bring together cutting-edge innovative practices with profound insights from the best of academic research, while fostering new perspectives through hands-on experimentation.

The project unfolds across three distinctive phases:

  • In phase 1, the emphasis is on research and development to craft an innovative performance management manifesto for presentation and agreement at the HR World Congress in Porto in May 2024.
  • Following this, phase 2 involves the ongoing refinement of the manifesto through collaborative efforts with pilot companies. Updates and findings are to be shared at the HR Horizons Conference in November.
  • Phase 3 extends the project's scope to encompass broader implementation and support of the methodology throughout the 2025 performance management cycle.

Making an Impact

In order to support changemakers across HR leaders, business leaders and consultants we are aiming to develop a number of concrete deliverables:

  • Performance Management Manifesto (Value proposition & principles)
  • Piloting programme with interested forward-thinking companies
  • Novel performance management toolkit & good/bad practice catalogue
  • Training materials & support for Continuous implementation
  • Promotional campaign
  • Alliance of early adopters & partners

 join our growing coalition!

We invite all individuals with substantial expertise in HR, performance management, and/or organizational development to be part of this transformative journey. If on top of that you possess an innovative mindset, a collaborative approach, and a willingness to explore new ideas, you are most welcome to join our project team and be a driving force in reshaping the future of performance management!

For all interested individuals and further information: please just send us a note at


Jon Ingham

Strategic HR Academy
Michele Zanini
Co-founder, MLab. Co-author, Humanocracy

Management Lab
Stefanie Hornung
Journalist & Author on New Management

New Pay Collective
Mark McAleer
Organisation Solutions Director

Perry Timms
Founder and Chief Energy Officer

People & Transformational HR Ltd


Mihaly Nagy

The HR Congress
Shalva Dzidziguri
Conference Producer

The HR Congress


Image Description
Antoinette Weibel
Professor for HRM and Organisation

University of St. Gallen
Otti Vogt
Former Chief Transformation Officer

Good Leadership Society
Isabel Scarlett Neitzel
Manager People & Culture

Porsche Consulting
Bastian Becker
Global HR Director

Trivium Packaging
Joan Lurie
coach : consultant : organisational ecologist

Tobias Nehls
Head of Global Mobility Management

Wilma Straatman
Director of People & Development

Simon Nash

Insight Group
Jeni Brown

Rubix3 Consulting
Sebastian Bueno
People & Culture

Pavel Charny
Managing Partner

Rufat Jahangir
Managing Director

Adizes Institute
Meike Wiemann
Lecturer, Project Manager & Postdoctoral Research Fellow

University of St. Gallen
Marc Pfyffer
Managing Partner

Pfyffer Partner
Rebecca Tillery

University of St. Gallen
Wolfgang Spitzenberger
Wolfgang Spitzenberger
Head of Human Resources

Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich

Sign up as a SUPPORTER or CONTRIBUTOR for the manifesto! You can leave your feedback and comments in the form to co-create the next MVP! We will keep you informed of all developments.

leadership society

See what else we have to offer

Business for Humanity is our monthly webcast series dedicated to exploring alternatives to capitalism. We interview global thought leaders on economic models that promise greater sustainability, and critically examine them in our ongoing meta inquiry with an interested community

Leaders for Humanity and Leaders for Humanity Masterclass represent our PhD-level research where we engage with exceptional minds to explore the development of good leaders and organizations. This series provides extensive resources and background reading materials.

The Flourishing Manifesto is a global initiative uniting HR and business leaders, consultants, and researchers in a collaborative effort to redefine performance management as a catalyst for responsible business transformation and leadership.

"Business as a Force for Good" is our pilot program developed in collaboration with Duke University, designed to create a practical module for responsible leadership education, with a particular focus on business and MBA students.

Never miss a FREE SESSION! Subscribe to our Leadership Society Bulletin for the latest news on all upcoming sessions, including access to video recordings and materials! (Automatically included with registration)


Looking for further insights?

Find here all the presentations from our research phase. 

Dive into further academic research on performance management.

community presentation archive

Download the presentations you are interested in by clicking on the PDF icon.




(not yet available)



While this article is predominantly about CSR, the exact same argument applies to "new work" and popular "alternatives to performance management" where proponents argue for more autonomy or meritocracy, but fail to examine the relevance of a hegemonic capitalist discourse or challenge the foundational "logic" of the existing economic system. Read on:

To explain the frequent failures of current CSR practices and to explore the possibilities of remedying them, I examine the close relationship between CSR, the persistent expansion of capitalism, and the pressure that capitalism puts on companies to legitimize their business operations. My analysis shows that the failure of CSR to serve as a corrective to the problematic effects of capitalism is, in fact, an inevitable consequence of the problematic dynamics of the capitalist system. On this basis, I suggest that capitalism limits the possibilities of making CSR more effective, argue for change on the systemic level of capitalism, and explore the ways in which CSR research can contribute to this political endeavor.

This is a nice overview of the state of the art albeit a bit behind practice (it took them surely 3 years to get in published) - it is a good complement to Jons' resource.

This article reviews the history of performance management (PM), beginning with performance evaluation. We discuss various strategies that have been used to enable accurate ratings as well as cognitive processes and contextual factors that have been shown to significantly impact ratings. We raise questions about the concept of true performance and whether raters can be enabled and motivated to make accurate ratings. We progress to discussing more structured and comprehensive PM processes that typically involve cascading goals, goal setting, competency modeling, evaluation of behavior and results, and implementation. These systems have proven to be tedious and low-value, resulting in unprecedented, wide-spread experimentation with innovative practices to move companies away from heavy PM processes to simpler, cost-effective strategies that actually drive performance. These have ranged from abandoning ratings to implementing innovations in goal-setting, real-time feedback, coaching, and PM behavior change. Directions for future research and practice are discussed.

This is a rather brave article as the authors had to fight very rigid doorkeepers of the dominant paradigm. There is more follow-up research on this by all three authors and a cheeky short article from Meike and myself side here:

Goal setting is one of the most replicated and influential paradigms in the management literature. Hundreds of studies conducted in numerous countries and contexts have consistently demonstrated that setting specific, challenging goals can powerfully drive behavior and boost performance. Advocates of goal setting have had a substantial impact on research, management education, and management practice. In this article, we argue that the beneficial effects of goal setting have been overstated and that systematic harm caused by goal setting has been largely ignored. We identify specific side effects associated with goal setting, including a narrow focus that neglects nongoal areas, distorted risk preferences, a rise in unethical behavior, inhibited learning, corrosion of organizational culture, and reduced intrinsic motivation. Rather than dispensing goal setting as a benign, over-the-counter treatment for motivation, managers and scholars need to conceptualize goal setting as a prescription-strength medication that requires careful dosing, consideration of harmful side effects, and close supervision. We offer a warning label to accompany the practice of setting goals.

In my speech I shortly allude to the transparency paradox - but that article is a hard read. Here is another one of Ethan Bernstein which also brings technology on top into the discussion.

Observation is key to management scholarship and practice. Yet a holistic view of its role in management has been elusive, in part due to shifting terminology. The current popularity of the term “transparency” provides the occasion for a thorough review, which finds (a) a shift in the object of observation from organizational outcomes to the detailed individual activities within them; (b) a shift from people observing the technology to technology observing people; and (c) a split in the field, with managers viewing observation almost entirely from the observer’s perspective, leaving the perspective of the observed to the realm of scholarly methodology courses and philosophical debates on privacy. I suggest how the literature on transparency and related literatures might be improved with research designed in light of these trends.

There is a similar article by Kluger/De Nisi in Journal of Applied Psychology but this one just makes for a much better read:

A wide range of systems for evaluating performance have been used in organisations, ranging from traditional annual performance appraisals to performance management systems built around informal, real-time evaluations, and these systems almost always fail. Rather than continuing to make cosmetic adjustments to this system, organisations should consider dropping the practice of regularly evaluating the performance of each of their employees, focusing rather on the small subset of situations in which evaluations of performance and performance feedback are actually useful. Four barriers to successful performance evaluation are reviewed: (a) the distribution of performance, (b) the continuing failure to devise reliable and valid methods for obtaining judgments about performance, (c) the limited utility of performance feedback to employees, and (d) the limited utility of performance evaluations to organisations. In this paper, I propose ways of managing performance without relying on regular performance evaluation, refocusing managers' activities from performance management to performance leadership.

Please consult also the articles on our team drive - many are behind a pay wall. I have chosen this one as it arguably depicts the biggest problem with high powered incentives. Read on:

The design of incentive systems is a central issue in the economics of organization. This paper argues that very often the ideal incentive systems to use within firms will involve low-powered incentives. Five particular circumstances leading to weak incentives being optimal are examined.

As Richard Posner (Reference Posner2010) demonstrates, a major issue in the economics of organization is the design of compensation and incentive systems. Footnote 1 Much of Posner's discussion focuses on CEO compensation, but the issue arises at all levels of the organization. Recent years have seen numerous calls to strengthen incentives within organizations, ‘bringing the market inside the firm’. The supposed advantages are that people will work harder and smarter if they are rewarded for results. As an economist, I do believe that people respond to incentives. Nevertheless, strong incentives are often a very bad idea, especially within organizations. In fact, strong, misguided incentives have played a fundamental role in bringing about the global economic crisis we are now experiencing. The problem is that people respond just as strongly to badly designed incentives as they do to well-structured ones. And when those badly designed incentives are strong, they can lead to really egregious forms of behavior, and the results then can be horrendous.


As I noted in my session, for me, the need for HR to be both strategic and people-centric (see my newsletter on multi-sided HR) is the most important paradox we face. This leads on to the need to both create organisation capability, and develop culture, which was the focus of my own session, and which I'll be reviewing in my newsletter early in 2024 (subscribe to learn more about this then). So it was interesting to also listen to a panel discussing the transformation of performance management which was on after me, touching on the needs to navigate paradox (eg managing both individual and team performance), and to support both culture and capability. However, what most struck me was that...

In a world where the average person spends over 100,000 hours working, where more than 80% of adults deeply identify with their job roles, and where employment creates significant unhappiness, the imperative is clear—we must ensure that work becomes a positive force for as many people as possible.

I've been thinking about whether, if there is a growing opportunity to shift from a top-down, measurement based, compliance focused system of performance management towards a bottom-up, human and commitment focused approach that I've called performance leadership, then whether it is time to start downplaying many organisations' emphasis on SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timebound - or variations of this).

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INSTITUTE OF WORK AT UNI ST. GALLEN Institute for Work and Employment Research University of St. Gallen