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Good Leaders Wanted!

Our Leadership Society is currently in its prototype phase, and we welcome anyone interested in contributing to the development of our model for fostering good leaders, good organizations, or the good economy to reach out. Whether you're passionate about organizing or joining a prototype for individual leaders, organizational qualification and certifications, or supervisory board and industry regulations, or if you're an academic or researcher eager to collaborate on content for MBA or master classes, or join our research team, we'd love to connect with you.

Why Join Us?


Becoming Your Personal Best to Serve The World For Good 

Actualising Your Highest Potential

Have you ever wondered how much you could achieve if only you had the resources, tools and support to bring out your very best? If you were held up by a global community of peers wholly committed to making you and every single one of your leadership appointments count, for the good of all? And if it was all based on the very best leadership development methodologies and tools, supported by a network of global partners across academia and practice?  

Young and Future Leaders: Achieving your full potential to make the world a better place

  • Crafting your authentic voice
  • Certified best-in-class leadership development
  • Human-centric organisational development competencies
  • Good practices and tools
  • Apprentice- and mentorship
  • Peer support and coaching
  • Career and impact network beyond your organisation
  • Fellowship and role in Leadership Society 

Mid-career Managers and Leaders: Develop self and your domain to achieve full potential of you and your people

  • Using your authentic voice
  • Focused leadership development
  • Guidance through specific leadership and moral dilemmas (Coaching & Peer Coaching)
  • Challenging and evolving existing practices of your specific domain with peers
  • Developing coaching and teaching skills/experience
  • Magnify your impact in and across organisations
  • Professional support for organisational transformation and experimentation 

Executive leaders and founders: Develop self, organisations, ecosystems, society and planet to achieve full potential and impact of all your communities

  • Amplify your collective legacy
  • Develop and practice true leadership wisdom
  • Broaden inclusive stakeholder management for good
  • Develop capacity for healthy challenge of the system
  • Letting go of leadership to enable transition and amplification of leadership
  • Forge alliances of organisations for societal impact
  • Mentor next generation of leaders across organisations
  • Influence direction of Society 


Transforming your organisations for responsible and sustainable collective performance  

Actualising Your Highest Potential

Do you firmly believe that businesses should seek to unleash the highest potential of their members and create the greatest value for communities, society and planet? Are you willing to invest in positive transformation within and beyond the boundaries of your business? Would you feel safer if leadership roles in your business were embedded in professional and ethical lifelong development framework?

Willingness to Try Out New Things

  • Evolving sustainability, responsibility and impact for the greater good
  • Enabling innovation and high performance through individual and organisational competency development and distributed leadership
  • Ability of leaders to implementing good and sustainable governance
  • Talent attraction, development, retention
  • Peer network of talents, skills and collective intelligence

Providing Opportunities for Development

  • Learning organization: support for continuous organisational discovery and experimentation – safe space to practice innovation of practices and culture in and across teams
  • Leadership development: support for sustainable behavioural change of leaders through a vocational learning pathway
  • Boundary spanning: Creation of alliances and knowledge exchange jointly with other organisations and societal actors
  • Support for certification and qualification of organizational evolution (gCorp) 

Commitment to Shared Excellence

  • Adhering to Leadership Society charter
  • Support for leadership development on the job and within the Society
  • Willingness to enable leadership development across organisations
  • Linkage of leadership positions to professional qualification
  • Ability to share knowledge and co-creating good practices
  • Possibility of mentorship
  • Willingness to support wider organisational transformation
  • Active role modelling of good leadership 

Create a gLab in your business!

More information coming soon.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created dependent—on each other, our earth, and its climate—endowed with the inalienable responsibility to maintain justice, liberty, and affiliation for all.”  Henry Mintzberg


Become a member of a global alliance for positive change!


Developing our collective expertise to scale impact for the common good  

Actualising The Social Network's Highest Potential

Did you ever wish to be part of a greater movement of kindred spirits to synergise and broaden your impact? Have you ever looked for sparring partners with deep expertise and insights and the willingness to grow together? Are you interested in building bridges with academia and researchers, practitioners and consultants to enable continuous innovation and improvement of your methods and tools?

Reaching Out and Scaling Up

  • Reaching more and different customers with an integrated service offer for greater impact
  • Increasing knowledge and expertise jointly with peers
  • A new and faster route to market and new revenue streams
  • Relationship and community building – bridging silos and enabling collaboration and innovation
  • Collaboration with academia and research institutes 

Offering Opportunities for Development

  • Certification for gCorp leadership model
  • Opportunities for work with different organisations
  • Research and development opportunities
  • Bridge building with partner ecosystems to service big organisations and/or integrated propositions
  • Peer learning and development
  • Co-production or leverage of intellectual property
  • Access to knowledge library – modules of Academy, case studies, learnings from case clinics
  • Expert directory and peer consulting
  • Community building events

Commitment to Shared Excellence

  • Adhering to a shared Good Leadership Alliance charter
  • Sharing knowledge
  • Co-creating practices
  • Open to collaboration with partners and members
  • Creating community relationships, not just transactional relationships
  • Ready to welcome ideas from other partners
  • Possibility of mentorship
  • Active role modelling of good leadership 


The Global Society for Good Leadership is a non-profit initiative on a mission to transform leaders, organizations, and our economic system for good. With limited resources, your support is invaluable in helping us expand our impact and foster positive global change, together.


transforming the system

The Global Society for Good Leadership is a non-profit initiative on a mission to transform leaders, organizations, and our economic system for good. With limited resources, your support is invaluable in helping us expand our impact and foster positive global change, together.

advisor: bring your expertise

Bring your own specific expertise and experience to steer and guide the activities of the Society.

Change Catalyst: bring your voice

Help us to promote the mission and ideas of the Society within your own institution, network or community to increase scale and impact.

(part-time) collaborator: bring your skills

Join our small development team to support for example the evolution of our website, marketing and event management, sponsorship and fundraising, administrations and finance, pilot and product management, or research activities.

Available Jobs

We are always looking for volunteers! :-) We are especially searching for people who might be willing to support the development of our website, as well as marketing activities and event management. But there is lots more that could be done and we are very open to your ideas to take the initiative further!

If you are interested, simply drop us a note at!


It is not about what we do. What matters most is who we are becoming.

help us transform the way the world does business

Without the generosity and commitment of patrons who believe in the potential and the necessity of good leadership, this initiative will not thrive. Your support for our mission to create better work for all is wholeheartedly appreciated. See below for further information or simply get in touch...

All patrons will be mentioned on our website - unless opted out - and all funding will be transparently reported upon due request.

Please note: We are currently in prototype phase. Further functionality will follow soon! 

✿ make a dedicated donation
If you wish to make a substantial donation or provide ongoing support for a particular cause, please feel free to reach out to us to explore the various engagement possibilities. (Contact details below)
✿ Sponsorship
If you interested in supporting the Society to enjoy benefits like brand recognition and official acknowledgment in return, please let us know. Please bear in mind that we can only cooperate with businesses or individuals who fully embody the principles and values of the Society. (Contact details below)
✿ FUNDRAISING and promotion
If you are willing to promote the Leadership Society when hosting an event or as part of your own initiative, please contact us if you require informational materials.
Become a supporter for our Leaders for Humanity series by making any donation - small or large, one-off or as a subscription - on the Patreon website (NOT ACTIVE YET)

For any questions or information get in touch

INSTITUTE OF WORK AT UNI ST. GALLEN Institute for Work and Employment Research University of St. Gallen